Gallery Exhibit Archives: Getting Started

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

What's in this Guide?

This guide links to past art exhibits that have take place in Columbus State's library since 2012.

Archives for Monthly Exhibits in the Library




Marvin Taylor - May
William C. Hemming - June
Mark Fohl - July
Barbara Thomas, Vivian Pitman, and Suzanne Gallagher - Aug/Sept
Kevin Willis - October
Wilfred Calvo Bono - November




Cecilia Roman - January
Valerie Lamb-Steece - February
William C. Hemming - April/May




Cecilia Roman - September
Wilfred Calvo Bono - October
Lynne Prillerman - November




Marvin Taylor - January
Kimberly Rhyan - February
Cecilia Román - March
Vivian Pitman and Barbara Thomas - May
William C. Hemming - June
Mark Fohl - July
Mark Fohl - August
Wilfred Calvo Bono - November
Cecilia Román - December
Kimberly Rhyan TakeheART Exhibit - January and
Thurgood Marshall Exhibit
- Oct. 2015 - Feb. 29, 2016

Vivian Pitman - Black History Month - Mid-January & February
Judith Beckman, Ian Cross, Stacy Leeman, and Jon Wahling
(Dept. Instructors' Exhibit) - March
Rocco Di Pietro and Romulo Vazquez - April
William C. Hemming - May - June
Paul D. Wilbur - July
Suzanne Gallagher - August
Cecilia Román - September
Wilfredo Calvo-Bono - October
The Genesis of Chinese Writing & The Art of Calligraphy - November
Robin Buser - December




Robin Buser - January
Marvin Taylor - February
Kimberly and Carter Rhyan - March
Rocco Di Pietro and Romulo Vazquez - April
Albert Gray - June
W.C. Hemming: "Ancient Visions, Mythologies and Nightmares" - July
Jes Moore - August
Daryl Brown - Still Learning to Paint - September
Cecilia Román - October
Media Creation & Techology Department's Student Showcase - November
Lewanda Lim - Telling Our Story - December




 Hillary Jones - Dreamscapes - January
Vivian Pitman - One Person's Trash Is Another Person's Treasure - February
 Lynne Prillerman - Looking Through the Lenses of Lynne - March
Paul Rehg - Academic Nuts Cartoons - April & May
Mark Fohl - Photographs from Columbus and Dresden - June/July
Wilfredo Calvo Bono - August
William C. Hemming - September
Cecilia Román - October
Nelson Reinhardt - November
OPEN - December



January - OPEN
Steven Riggs - Mid February - March
Vernon Lewis - "Appropriating Nature, Religion and Surealism" - April
Philip Sarsany - "The Quest: A Journey of Discovery Through Textiles" - May
"Colorful Columbus: Mark Fohl and the Westbridge Camera Club" - June
Michael C. Cooley - "Classical Drawings and Paintings" - July
OPEN - August
W. C. Hemming - September
Cecilia Roman - October
 Sherlann Lewandowski - Mixed Digital Illustrations - November
Hillary Jones - "Song by Song" - December


Hillary Jones - "Song by Song" - January
Henry Cade, Jr. - "Memorial to Friends of the Arts" - Mid February - Mid March


Hillary Jones-"A Study of the Classics"-June 2022

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