Gallery Exhibit Archives: January 2016 - Kimberly Colleen Rhyan

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

About the #takeheART Project



About the #takeheART Project


I've made a new year's resolution to make more art! i am zentangling hearts and posting one each day in January on Instagram.  These are personalized drawings for my friends and family based on their favorite quotes.  This is my way of acknowledging their friendship & love, while keeping my resolution to make more art in 2016.

This past year, in light of current events, I have found it difficult to create new works of art because I wanted it to be meaningful.  Abstract painting is usually my comfort zone and preferred medium.  This #takeheART project pushes me to connect with my audience while creating new works of art that have positive messages.

Why am I interested in Zentangle? Zentangle is a practice that inspires relaxation and inner focus.  It has multiple benefits including calming an anxious mind, increasing self-confidence, and cultivating moment-to-moment awareness in a similar way as mindfulness meditation.  This process encourages my own heart and life while balancing being an artist, mother and full-time professional.

"Drawings will be exhibited in the first floor Gallery at Columbus State Library; one new drawing will be included each day throughout January."

Instagram: kimberly.colleen Twitter: kimberlycolleen

To learn more about Kimberly Colleen, please visit:


Quotes that inspire me to share my narrative and create:


"Why do any art if you're not going to bring out of yourself the thing that is most vulnerable and most precious, that has to be said? Why do something unless you're really trying to get at what it's really about?"
Marc Kelly Smith, New York Times, June 3, 2009

"When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it's bottomless, that it doesn't have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space."
Pema Chodron

"Even more than bread we now need poetry, in a time when it seems that it is not needed at all." Leon Staff, a Polish poet who lived in the Warsaw ghetto.

#newyearsresolution #makemoreart #takeheART


Kimberly Colleen Rhyan's #takeheART Project

Thank you to Albert Gray for photographing these daily heart zentangles created by Kimberly Colleen Rhyan.

Director, Student Engagement and Leadership

Kimberly Colleen Rhyan is the Director of Student Engagement and Leadership.

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