Gallery Exhibit Archives: January 2018 - Hillary Jones - Dreamscapes

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.


DREAMSCAPES: Collection of Works by Hillary Jones
on exhibit on the 2nd and 1st floor of Columbus State's Library,
for the month of January, 2018.

Artist's Statement

DREAMSCAPES: Collection of Works by Hillary Jones

Hillary Jones is a photographer and image maker.

Graduating from The Ohio State University with a BFA in Photography, Hillary has spent the following years collecting moments in time through photographs, scraps of paper, and old, dusty magazines.

Using miniature sculptures and dioramas, she creates windows into the worlds that rest behind her eyes.  Playing with color, texture, and light she constructs a landscape we often see only in dreams.

For more information:


Exhibit Schedule for 2018

Who's scheduled to exhibit art in the library 2018:

January - Hillary Jones - Dreamscapes
February - Vivian Pitman
March - Lynne Prillerman - Looking Through the Lenses of Lynne
April - Paul Rehg - Academic Nuts Cartoons
May - OPEN
June - OPEN
July - OPEN
August - Wilfredo Calvo Bono
September- William C. Hemming - Oils & Watercolors
October - OPEN
November - Nelson Reinhardt
December - OPEN

Dreamscapes: Collection of Works by Hillary Jones

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