New Library System: Background

Information about the Columbus State Library's migration to a new library system (Ex Libris Alma)

Library Migration to Ex Libris Alma

New & Improved Library Experience

As part of OhioLINK, Ohio's academic library consortium, the Columbus State Library is updating its 30-year-old shared systems software to Ex Libris Alma. This Library Services Platform (LSP) is the backbone of day-to-day library operations and supports library business decisions. Alma covers our catalog, circulation, and management of physical, electronic, and digital materials.

Alma is the most-used LSP in U.S. academic libraries, with more than 65% of Association of Research Libraries, and comes with a suite of applications. With other OhioLINK libraries, we are on track to "go live" in June 2025. Benefits of the library migration include

  • a more intuitive user experience, including a mobile app
  • expanded search capabilities, personalization, and tracking of requests
  • improved access to curated collections of electronic and print materials
  • cloud-based software with automatic updates
  • heightened technological stability and security
  • future integration with Blackboard to better connect students to library materials and OERs
  • Better management of e-resources, a growing part of our library's collection

In addition to the library's migration to Alma, the library will unveil a new library website for more seamless searching and increased access to various resources and library materials.

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