Welcome to the Library: Contact Us

Columbus State Community College Library Homepage

Circulation 614-287-2465 | Columbus Reference 614-287-2460 | Delaware Reference 740-203-8183


Library Director Dana Knott 614-287-2461 dknott@cscc.edu
Reference Sharon Richter 614-287-2082 srichter1@cscc.edu
Circulation Vanessa Langhurst 614-287-2899 vlanghur@cscc.edu
Acquisitions & Metadata Services Robin Buser 614-287-2469 rbuser@cscc.edu

Library Staff


Lorien Anderson 614-287-2895 landerson62@cscc.edu
Ana Borges Tobe 614-287-2460 aborges1@cscc.edu
Jennifer Casteen 614-287-2460 jcasteen@cscc.edu
Rebecca Felkner 614-287-2460 rfelkner@cscc.edu
Sarah Fouts 614-287-2460 sfouts@cscc.edu
Emily Henderson 740-203-8183 ehenderson14@cscc.edu
Ashton Kimbler 614-287-2460 akimbler4@cscc.edu
Kristine Kinzer 740-203-8019 kkinzer3@cscc.edu
Amy McCoy Glover 614-287-2460 amccoyglover@cscc.edu
Sharon Richter 614-287-2082 srichter1@cscc.edu
Mira Scarnecchia 614-287-2460 mscarnecchia@cscc.edu
Ryan Scott 614-287-5634 rscott17@cscc.edu

Acquisitions & Metadata Services

Robin Buser 614-287-2469 rbuser@cscc.edu
Laurinda Gruber 614-287-2683 lgruber@cscc.edu
Sherlann Lewandowski 614-287-2462 slewandowski1@cscc.edu

Electronic Resources

Hydy Cates 614-287-5817 hcates1@cscc.edu

Multimedia Support

Kay Williams 614-287-2472 kwilliams190@cscc.edu


Sophie Barbour 614-287-2464 sbarbour2@cscc.edu
Julie Dulaney 614-287-2267 jdulaney@cscc.edu
Katarina Friz 614-287-2464 kfriz@cscc.edu
Vanessa Langhurst 614-287-2899 vlanghur@cscc.edu
Sam Miller 614-287-2464 smiller304@cscc.edu
Maya Ware 614-287-2464 mware16@cscc.edu

My Library Account

*For help with your library account, renewals, overdues, holds, or requests.

Columbus Campus Circulation Desk 614-287-2465
Delaware Campus Learning Center 740-203-8183

Reference & Research

*For assistance in locating sources, research questions, finding topics, using library databases, or accessing electronic resources.

Columbus Campus Reference Desk 614-287-2460 refdesk@cscc.edu
Delaware Campus Learning Center 740-203-8183 refdesk@cscc.edu

Library Instruction

*To schedule a library instruction session for your class.

Columbus (and off-campus sites besides Delaware) Sharon Richter 614-287-2082 srichter1@cscc.edu
Delaware  Kristine Kinzer 740-203-8019 kkinzer3@cscc.edu

Research Guides

*For questions about the creation of a research guide for your course or suggesting resources to add to an existing guide.

Sharon Richter 614-287-2082 srichter1@cscc.edu

Course Reserves

*For questions about placing books, models, study guides, or other items on course reserve for your students. [Reserve Request Form]

Vanessa Langhurst 614-287-2899 vlanghur@cscc.edu


*For questions about our print subscriptions to magazines, newspapers, trade publications, and scholarly journals.

Robin Buser 614-287-2469 rbuser@cscc.edu


*For questions about purchasing or our collection development guidelines.

Robin Buser 614-287-2469 rbuser@cscc.edu

Multimedia Support Services

*For questions about multimedia services, equipment, and video production.

Kay Williams 614-287-2472 kwilliams190@cscc.edu

IT Support Services

*For questions about software, technical difficulties, or your Columbus State email account.

Columbus Campus TL 116 & Cyber Café 614-287-5050 helpdesk@cscc.edu
Delaware Campus Learning Center 740-203-8310 helpdesk@cscc.edu

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