Periodicals: In Print

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Title Library has From
Columbus Dispatch (MICROFILM) 1980-2017 46 C
AARC Times v.43 (2019) 54 A
Accounting Today v.35 (2021)-v.36 (2022) 10 A
Advertising Age (MICROFILM) v.36 (1965)-v.87 (2017) 40 A
Advocate no.1125 (2023)- 31 A
America v.228 (2023)- 21 A
America (MICROFILM) v.112 (1965)-v.191 (2004) 21 A
American Art Review v.33 (2021)- 35 A
American Journal of Clinical Nutrition v.113 (2021)-v.116 (2022) 33 A
American Journal of Nursing v.121 (2021)- 48 A
American Journal of Nursing (MICROFILM) v.65 (1965)-v.113 (2013) 48 A
American Journal of Public Health v.111 (2021)- 48 A
American Legion v.193 (2022)- 35 A
American Literature v.93 (2021)- 28 A
Archaeology v.74 (2021)- 55 A
Architectural Digest v.76 (2019)- 11 A
Architectural Record v.209 (2021)- 11 A
Architectural Record (MICROFILM) v.137 (1965)-v.201 (2013) 11 A
Art Culinaire no.148 (2024)- 33 A
Art Culinaire (Previous years located at MAIN STACKS (641.514 A7842)) no.1986- 33 A
Atlantic Monthly v.331 (2023)- 21 A
Automotive Engineering v.7 (2020)- 12 A
Automotive News Current 6 Months 12 A
Aviation Week and Space Technology v.185 (2023)- 13 A
Aviation Week and Space Technology (MICROFILM) v.82 (1965)-v.161 (2004) 13 A
Beijing Review v.66 (2023) 31 B
Better Homes and Gardens (MICROFILM) v.43 (1965)-v.79 (2001) 31 B
Bon Appétit v.66 (2021)- 33 B
Booklist v.119 (2023)- 39 B
Building Design and Construction v.60 (2019)-v.61 (2020) 19  
Business First (MICROFILM) v.5 (1988)-v.18 (2002) 15 B
Businessweek no.4768 (2023)-no.4774 (2023) 15 B
Businessweek (MICROFILM) 1965-1996 15 B
Chest (MICROFILM) v.57 (1970)-v.125 (2004) 54 C
Childhood Education v.97 (2021)- 24 C
Christianity Today v.67 (2023)- 21 C
Chronicle of Higher Education Current 6 Months 25 C
Chronicle of Higher Education (MICROFILM) v.11 (1976)-v.45 (1998) 25 C
College English v.83 (2021)- 28 C
Columbus CEO v.30 (2021)-v.30 (2022) 15 C
Columbus Citizen-Journal (MICROFILM) 1980 - 1985 46 C
Columbus Monthly v.49 (2023)- 31 C
Columbus Monthly (MICROFILM) v.14 (1988)-v.41 (2015) 31 C
Commentary v.155 (2023)- 21 C
Communication Arts v.60 (2019)- 23 C
Community College Journal v.92 (2021)- 25 C
Computers, Informatics, Nursing (CIN) v.37 (2019)-v.40 (2022) 48 C
Construction Digest v.111 (2021)-v.113 (2023) 19 C
Construction Specifier v.72 (2019)-v.73 (2020) 19 C
Consumer Reports v. 88 (2023) 31 C
Cosmopolitan v.271 (2023)- 31 C
Creative Nonfiction v.69 (2019) 28 C
Current Biography v.79 (2018)-v.85 (2024) 31 C
Current History v.118 (2019)- 35 C
Digital Photo Pro v.17 (2019)-v. 18 (2020) 23 D
Discover v.42 (2021)- 14 D
DVM360 (Continues: Vetted) v.52 (2021)- 58 D
Eating Well (Continues: Cooking Light) v.18 (2019)-v.21 (2022) 33 E
Economist v.442 (2022)- 55 E
Edge no.346 (2021) 36 E
Education Week v.42 (2023)- 25 E
EMS World v.50 (2021)-v.51 (2022) 27 E
Environmental Nutrition v.44 (2021)- 33 E
Esquire v.179 (2023)- 31 E
Esquire (MICROFICHE) v.103 (1985)-v.136 (2001) 31 E
Essence v.53 (2023)- 31 E
Exchange v.43 (2021) 24 E
Exercise and Sport Sciences Review v.47 (2019)- 56 E
Facts & Findings v.66 (2019)- 49 F
Families in Society v.100 (2019)- 24 F
Fine Gardening no.197 (2021)- 38 F
Flying v.148 (2021)-v.149 (2022) 13 F
Food & Wine v.42 (2019)- 33 F
Food Technology v.73 (2019) 33 F
Forbes v.205 (2022)- 15 F
Forbes (MICROFILM) v.105 (1970)-v.174 (2004) 15 F
Good Housekeeping (MICROFILM) v.180-181 (1975)-v.232-233 (2001) 31 G
GQ: Gentlemen's Quarterly v.93 (2023)- 31 G
GQ: Gentlemen's Quarterly (MICROFICHE) v.68 (1998)-v.74 (2004) 31 G
Harper's v.346 (2023)- 31 H
Harper's (MICROFILM) v.244 (1972)-v.309 (2004) 31 H
History Today v.71 (2021)- 35 H
Home Healthcare Now v.37 (2019)- 48 H
Inc. v.44 (2023)- 15 I
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association v.329 (2023)- 48 J
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Association (MICROFILM) v.259 (1988)-v.309 (2013) 48 J
Journal of American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) v.90 (2019)-v.91 (2020) 32 J
Journal of Dental Education v.85 (2021) 22 J
Journal of Engineering Technology v.36 (2019) 26 J
Journal of Faculty Development v.38 (2024)- 25 J
Journal of Gerontological Nursing v.47 (2021) 48 J
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD) v.92 (2021)- 56 J
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services v.59 (2021) 48 J
Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services (MICROFICHE) v.34 (1996)-v.48 (2010) 48 J
Journal of Public Health Dentistry v.81 (2021) 22 J
Journal of Sport Management v.35 (2021) 56 J
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics v.121 (2021)- 33 J
Journal of the American Dental Association v.152 (2021)-v.153 (2022) 22 J
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association v.258 (2021)- 58 J
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association (MICROFILM) v.166 (1975)-v.247 (2015) 58 J
Journal of Wildlife Diseases v.57 (2021)- 58 J
Ladies' Home Journal (MICROFILM) v.82 (1965)-v.118 (2001) 31 L
Landscape Architecture v.111 (2021)- 38 L
Library Journal v.148 (2023)- 39 L
Lodging v.44 (2019)- 33 L
Make v.67 (2019) 39 M
Massage & Bodywork v.36 (2021)- 41  
Massage Magazine no.296 (2021) 41 M
Massage Therapy Journal v.58 (2019)- 41 M
MCN v.44 (2019) 48 M
Men's Health v.38 (2023)- 31 M
Mother Jones v.48 (2023)- 21 M
Motor Trend v.75 (2023)- 12 M
Motor Trend (MICROFILM) v.27 (1975)-v.56 (2004) 12 M
Ms. v.33 (2023)- 31 M
NADmag v.19 (2019)- 37 N
Nation v.316 (2023)- 21 N
National Culinary Review v.43 (2019)-v.44 (2020) 33 N
National Geographic v.243 (2023)- 31 N
National Geographic (MICROFILM) v.157 (1979)-v.218 (2010) 31 N
National Paralegal Reporter v.44 (2019)- 49 N
National Review v.75 (2023)- 21 N
Nature (MICROFICHE) v.379-384 (1996)-v.463-465 (2010) 14 N
New England Journal of Medicine v.388 (2023)- 48 N
New England Journal of Medicine (MICROFILM) v.302 (1980)-v.368 (2013) 48 N
New Republic v.254 (2023)- 21 N
New Republic (MICROFILM) v.152 (1965)-v.200 (1989) 21 N
New Scientist v.257 (2023)- 14 N
New York Times (MICROFILM) v.127 (1978)-v.159 (2009) 46 N
New Yorker v.98 (2023)- 28 N
New Yorker (MICROFILM) v.41 (1965)-v. 91 (2016) 28 N
Newsweek (MICROFILM) v.65 (1965)-(2015) 21 N
Nursing v.52 (2022)- 48 N
Nursing (MICROFILM) v.1 (1971)-v.43 (2013) 48 N
Nursing Management v.52 (2021)-v.53 no.1 (2022) 48 N
Nursing Research v.70 (2021)- 48 N
Nursing Research (MICROFILM) v.14 (1965)-v.62 (2013) 48 N
Nursing Times: NT (MICROFILM) v.61 (1965)-v.109 (2013) 48 N
Nutrition & Foodservice Edge v.28 (2019)- 33 N
Nutrition Today v.54 (2019)- 33 N
Ohio v.47 (2023)- 31 O
Out v.31 (2023)- 31 O
Parents (MICROFILM) v.50 (1975)-v.79 (2004) 31 P
Paris Match no.3843 (2023)- 45 P
People Weekly Current 6 Months 21 P
Physics Today v.73 (2019)- 50 P
Playboy (MICROFILM) v.43 (1996)-v.56 (2009) 31 P
Popular Mechanics v.200 (2023)- 42 P
Popular Mechanics (MICROFILM) v.123 (1965)-v.181 (2004) 42 P
Progressive v.86 (2023)- 21 P
Psychology Today v.56 (2023)- 31 P
Psychology Today (MICROFILM) v.2 (1968)-v.37 (2004) 31 P
Quality Progress v.52 (2019)-v.53 (2020) 51 Q
Radiologic Technology v.92 (2021)-v.93 no.4 (2022) 52 R
RDH v.41 (2021)- 22 R
Reader's Digest (MICROFILM) v.87 (1965)-v.177 (2011) 31 R
Realtor Magazine v.54 (2021)- 53 R
Reason v.54 (2023)- 31 R
Research in the Teaching of English v.55 (2021)- 28 R
Respiratory Care v.64 (2019)-v.67 no.3 (2022) 54 R
Respiratory Care (MICROFILM) v.19 (1974)-v.59 (2014) 54 R
Restaurants & Institutions (MICROFICHE) v.106 (1996)-v.120 (2010) 33 R
RN (MICROFILM) v.28 (1965)-v.72 (2009) 48 R
Rolling Stone no. 1371 (2023)- 31 R
Rolling Stone (MICROFILM) no.569 (1990)-no.976 (2005) 31 R
Runner's World v.56 (2021)- 56 R
School Nutrition v.73 (2019)- 33 S
Science v.379 (2023)- 14 S
Science (MICROFILM) v.147 (1965)-v.350 (2015) 14 S
Science Fiction Studies v.48 (2021)- 28 S
Science News v.198 (2021)- 14 S
Scientific American v.324 (2021)- 14 S
Scientific American (MICROFILM) v.213 (1965)-v.291 (2004) 14 S
Scientist v.35 (2021)- 14 S
Sky & Telescope v.137 (2019)-v.138 (2019) 50 S
Smithsonian v.53 (2023)- 31 S
Social Work v.66 (2021)- 44 S
Sports Illustrated v.134 (2023)- 31 S
Sports Illustrated (MICROFILM) v.22 (1965)-v.101 (2005) 31 S
Strength and Conditioning Journal v.43 (2021)- 56 S
Surgical Technologist v.51 (2019)- 57 S
Teaching English in the Two-Year College v.48 (2021)- 28 T
Time v.201 (2023)- 28 T
Time (MICROFILM) v.75 (1960)-v.187 (2017) 28 T
Today's Dietitian v.23 (2021)- 33 T
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter v.38 (2021)- 33 T
U.S. News and World Report (MICROFILM) v.58 (1965)-v.109 (1991) 28 U
Vogue v.213 (2023)- 31 V
Vogue (MICROFILM) v.146 (1965)-v.204 (2014) 31 V
Wall Street Journal (MICROFILM) (1970) - (2009) 46 W
Wired v.31 (2023)- 18 W
Scientist v.34 (2020)- 31 O
Shutterbug v.47 (2018) 23 O
Sky and Telescope v.135 (2018)-v.138 (2019) 49 P
Smithsonian v.53 (2022)- 31 P
Social Problems v.67 (2020)-v.68 (2021) 31 P
Social Work v.65 (2020)- 45 P
Sports Illustrated v.133 (2022)- 48 P
Sports Illustrated (MICROFILM) v.22 (1965)-v.101 (2005) 21 P
Strength and Conditioning Journal v.42 (2020)- 50 P
Surgical Technologist v.50 (2018)- 31 P
Teaching English in the Two-Year College v.48 (2020)- 20 P
Time v.199 (2022)- 42 P
Time (MICROFILM) v.75 (1960)-v.187 (2017) 42 P
Today's Dietitian v.22 (2020)- 21 P
Training v.57 (2020) 31 P
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter v.38 (2020)- 31 P
U.S. News and World Report (MICROFILM) v.58 (1965)-v.109 (1991) 39 P
Vogue v.212 (2022)- 51 Q
Vogue (MICROFILM) v.146 (1965)-v.204 (2014) 52 R
Wall Street Journal (MICROFILM) (1970) - (2009) 22 R
Wired v.30 (2022)- 31 R
Reader's Digest Selecciones no.770 (2005)-no.823 (2009) 45 R
Real Simple v.22 (2021)- 31 R
Realtor Magazine v.52 (2019)- 53 R
Reason v.52 (2021)- 31 R
Research in African Literatures v.50 (2019) 35 R
Research in the Teaching of English v.53 (2019)- 28 R
Respiratory Care v.62 (2017)- 54 R
Respiratory Care (MICROFILM) v.19 (1974)-v.59 (2014) 54 R
Restaurant Hospitality v.103 (2019)-v.104 (2020) 33 R
Restaurants & Institutions (MICROFICHE) v.106 (1996)-v.120 (2010) 33 R
RN (MICROFILM) v.28 (1965)-v.72 (2009) 48 R
Road and Track v.70 (2019)-v.72 (2020) 12 R
Rolling Stone no. 1347 (2021)- 31 R
Rolling Stone (MICROFILM) no.569 (1990)-no.976 (2005) 31 R
Runner's World v.54 (2019)- 56 R
School Nutrition v.71 (2017)- 33 S
Science v.371 (2021)- 14 S
Science (MICROFILM) v.147 (1965)-v.350 (2015) 14 S
Science Fiction Studies v.46 (2019)- 28 S
Science News v.194 (2019)- 14 S
Scientific American v.320 (2019)- 14 S
Scientific American (MICROFILM) v.213 (1965)-v.291 (2004) 14 S
Scientist v.33 (2019)- 14 S
Shutterbug v.46 (2017)-v.47 (2018) 23 S
Sign Language Studies v.19 (2019)-v.20 (2019) 36 S
Sky and Telescope v.133 (2017)-v.138 (2019) 50 S
Smithsonian v.51 (2021)- 31 S
Social Problems v.66 (2019)-v.68 (2021) 55 S
Social Work v.64 (2019)- 44 S
Special Events v.38 (2019)-v.39 (2019) 33 S
Sports Illustrated v.132 (2021)- 31 S
Sports Illustrated (MICROFILM) v.22 (1965)-v.101 (2005) 31 S
Strength and Conditioning Journal v.41 (2019)- 56 S
Surgical Technologist v.49 (2017)- 57 S
Teaching English in the Two-Year College v.46 (2019)- 28 T
Time v.197 (2021)- 28 T
Time (MICROFILM) v.75 (1960)-v.187 (2017) 28 T
Today's Dietitian v.21 (2019)- 33 T
Training v.56 (2019)-v.57 (2020) 15 T
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letter v.36 (2019)- 33 T
U.S. News and World Report (MICROFILM) v.58 (1965)-v.109 (1991) 28 U
Vetted (Continued by: DVM 360) v.114 (2019)-v.115 (2020) 58 V
Videomaker v.33 (2019)-v.34 (2020) 36 V
Vogue v.211 (2021)- 31 V
Vogue (MICROFILM) v.146 (1965)-v.204 (2014) 31 V
Wall Street Journal (MICROFILM) (1970) - (2009) 46 W
Wired v.29 (2021)- 18 W

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