Gallery Exhibit Archives: October 2014 Wilfred Calvo Bono

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Artist's Resume

Wilfredo Calvo Bono
103 North Ardmore Rd., Bexley, OH 43209
(614) 252-6412

Wilfredo Calvo-Bono Painter & Social Activist
Resume (This September 2014 resume has been slightly altered for readability.)


  • Calvo-Bono was born in NYC (1929) and raised in Cuba. ·  Studied at Havana University (1948-1954). · Assistant Professor in the Cathedra of Architecture Design. · Participated in J. Albers workshops at the University in 1952. During these years of no computers he learned the basics of painting which he used in his architectural work.·  In 1968, he moved with his family to Madrid, Spain.

Spain – 1968-1971

During these 3 years in Madrid, Started painting in a mainly representational form.  Technical and moral support from Spanish painters and human observations by Gypsy co-workers was invaluable.  He supplemented his income working for builders. Autumn of 1971, he flew with his family to the United States.

USA – 1971 – Present

  • Settled in Columbus, Ohio.
  • Work as a painter was representational with the same themes and techniques used in Madrid.
  • Started to geometrize the elements, working mainly with primary colors and increasing the use of acrylics in 1975.
  • Used alkyds, commercial paints, rollers, brushes, and drafting equipment.
  • Since 1985, studied the work of [Joseph] Albers, [Piet] Mondrian, [Ilya] Bolotowsky, [Burgoyne] Diller, etc.
  • Assembled all his geometric work under the title “Possibility Series” in the search for new forms of visual representation.
  • The non-geometric work (representational and constructions) constitutes the “Bad and Sad Series.”  Here the power of the visual image generates energy for the purpose to combat our social challenges.
  • During 1995 got acquainted with Jacques Derrida ’s Deconstruction philosophy (questioning past rules and regulations).
  • Created 3-D pieces with discarded materials, acetate, aluminum, plywood, commercial paints, and non-conventional shapes.  Mixed together [Joseph] Albers’ concepts and [Buckminster] Fuller’s synergy ideas.
  • Calvo-Bono augmented his knowledge about Jacques Derrida’s Deconstruction concepts in 1999, taking deeper interest in exploring and creating “out of the box”. From this, the “Independent Series” was born, formed by single elements with non-conventional shapes.  
  • In 2001 he received a grant from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation which helped him to access the use of Plexiglas as a supporting material in some of his research work.
  • In 2009-2010, he received a second grant from The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, which allowed him to research with Plexiglas and the results and effects obtained.
  • During 2012 and 2013, Calvo-Bono has been working in the “Possibilities Series” exploring the capabilities of the Plexiglas for the creation of cubes and boxes with superimposed plates producing floating effects of diagrams and areas painted on the Plexiglas.  In the “Bad and Sad Series” two new pieces referred to death by starvation (poverty and prisons have been added to the piece done in 2007 “Bloody Hunger” (Darfur War)…

See Wilfredo Calvo-Bono's Works on Display This Month

Columbus State Community College
Exhibit October, 2014

All our knowledge is rooted or based in the past.  During that past magnificent pieces of Art have been created, representing different epochs, different times.  As civilization advances and changes occur in all fields of knowledge; Arts as an integrated part of civilization, also changes.  Now in the present, I strongly believe that we should not keep repeating or imitating the work of that past, but we shall be looking, searching for new forms of representation according to the present and in route towards the future.

Art as Art is commendable, but we shall create not only to obtain beauty but search for social benefit.  Because of that, I am executing two Series.  One refers to the search for new Visual Art with the intention to be used as tools for research and meditative thoughts, and the other to increase awareness about social problems affecting all of us.  The first group corresponds to the “Possibilities” Series and the second to the “Bad & Sad” Series.


I create my Visual Artwork based on the concepts previously expressed.  This is done with non-conventional materials and forms in the geometric field with striking colors, capable to trigger in the viewer, mental and emotional reactions, with the purpose of favoring a better environment for reflective or meditative thoughts.

All the pieces shown in the Exhibition on the second floor of the Columbus State Community College Library during October 2014, belong to the “Possibilities” Series, using Plexiglas mainly as research material.

BAD, SAD, & UGLY Statement

The buildup of so many negative situations, events, calamities, etc. has awakened in me the desire, the necessity to express with my visual work, my concern about our present social-political-environmental conditions.

For that purpose, I have created the “Bad, Sad & Ugly” Series.  It has been done with Paintings and Constructions.  Showing Material Pollutants (Chemical Spills, Toxic Gases, etc.) and its consequences for the Planet.  Non-Material Pollutants covering actions that affect thoughts, emotions, etc. (Fear, Terror, Political Deceit, etc.) and Organic Pollutants as those that create illnesses (HIV, Breast Cancer, SARS, etc.).

All this done under the criteria that increase awareness of the problems, they will receive more attention.  And, as a consequence, generate the conditions for their lessening or elimination.

On the first floor of the Columbus State Community College Library we invite you to observe the paintings that express the philosophy considered in the “Bad, Sad & Ugly” Series.

October, 2014

More About Wifredo Calvo-Bono

See Wilfredo Calvo-Bono's page at

Or see a few of his works at Wilfred Calvo Bono's works at The Pollock-Krasner Foundation, Inc.

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