Gallery Exhibit Archives: October 2018 - Cecilia Roman

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

Art Fragment of Frenzy

Fragment of the painting, Transport.

Artist's Statement


Columbus State Community College Library

October, 2018

We celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month to recognize the achievements and contributions of Hispanic American communities.

I was born in the Dominican Republic, the cradle of Hispanic discovery.

As European visions collided with existing indigenous cultures, each civilization discovered their unique strengths and values. This intense expression of goals and survival forged the New World.

This Art exhibition entitled Discovery focuses on emotions, imagination and mystery.  Influenced by the art movement of Romanticism (abstraction, pure line, disembodied color and fluid atmosphere landscapes – Robert Rosenblum), I entered into this discovery of expression.

These landscapes of loose brushstrokes showcase the power of nature and the energy of movement. With each stroke loaded with pigment, I tested the relationship and the wonder of colors.

Discover the moments, seen in Finale, where a world emerges from darkness and retreats into darkness.

Discover the nostalgic emotion in the landscape, Window View.

Discover the human experiences of judgment,

Discover a landscape ablaze.

Discover wonder and nature’s drama.

Discover yourselves and each other.

Discover me,
Cecilia Román, Artist

See October 2018 Exhibit Online

Cecilia Roman's Bio

Cecilia Román

Formally trained in the field of audio visual communications, her artistic vision has evolved over 20 years to include paintings focusing on abstraction. Her impressions are recognizable, but not literal. Her style incorporates the valuable mentoring of community artists.  “These are pieces serve as a catalyst to explore the arts and to use its methods to communicate, create and react to our surroundings.

Cecilia Román
3006 E. Main St.
Columbus, OH 43209

To view earlier exhibits by Cecilia Román at Columbus State's library, see our Gallery Exhibit Archives guide.

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