Gallery Exhibit Archives: September 2016 - Cecilia Roman

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

This Month's Artist - Cecilia Roman

September 2016 - Cecilia Román - Portals

Curator and Artist's Statement

Cecilia Román is formally trained in the field of audio visual communications. Her artistic vision has evolved over twenty years to include oil paintings focusing on abstractions. Her style incorporates the valuable instruction in mentoring of community artists.

“Everyone should think about how we can brush with art.  This exhibition serves as a catalyst to explore the arts; to use its methods to communicate, create and react to our surroundings.  The exhibition is comprised of works that speak the language of expression.”



This exhibition servers as a gateway to a mental portal
of thoughts and Expressive Realism.

These art expressions of beyond the threshold thinking
are the beginnings of a nurtured inspiration.

A new day holds the expectation of possibilities in Still Lake.

Possibilities challenges realism.  Yes, it is there. Do you see it?

Night Stories A and B are storytelling adventures in color and form.
The fact that they are captured on canvas[s] makes them real. 
The paintings are tales of hope, horror and fantasy.

The portal scenes titled Seasons focuses on
nature’s beauty in its simplest style.

Have we forgotten the expanding realm of the universe?

Have we lost the sense of exploration?

Are we seizing the years, months, days, minutes and seconds
of possibilities and engagements?

The wonder of thought is forever creative,

Cecilia Román, Artist

Artist, Cecilia Roman - Portals

More images shall be added to the Prezi presentation below!  

Exhibit Schedule for 2016

January - Kimberly Colleen Rhyan - #takeheART Project (1st Floor)
and the Thurgood Marshall Exhibit Through February 29, 2016 (2nd Floor) (See linked guide)
Mid-January through February - Vivian Pitman: Black History Month 2016
March - Columbus State's Art Department Faculty Exhibit: Judy Beckman, Ian Cross, Stacy Leeman, & Jon Wahling
April - Rocco Di Pietro (Humanities Dept.) and Romulo Vazquez
May - June - William C. Hemming
July - Paul D. Wilbur
August - Suzanne Gallagher -"Smile Lines Project"
September - Cecilia Román - Portals
October - Jerrilyn Heine (Disability Services Interpreter)
November - Gene Strickland (Digital Photography, Assoc. Professor)
December - Wilfred Calvo-Bono

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