Gallery Exhibit Archives: February 2018 - Vivian L. Pitman & Barbara Thomas - Another Person's Trash is Someone's Treasure: Collages by Vivian L. Pitman and Barbara Thomas

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

One Person's Trash is Another Person's Treasure

Another Person's Trash is Someone's Treasure: Collages by Vivian L. Pitman and Barbara Thomas



See exhibit February, 2018, 1st & 2nd floors, Columbus State's Library

Artist's Statement for Vivian Pitman and Barbara Thomas


I started painting in 1996.  My first piece of art I donated to the Columbus Museum of Art, located on East Broad Street, for the people with aids. My painting was called “Coming Out of Darkness.”  

I am a self-taught artist, gifted from God. I had a showing at the Lindsay Gallery around 2002.  I sold 40 pieces in one day! Amazing, I did not expect that.

I love beauty and movement. I’ve had several shows at Columbus State Community College with me and my dear mother, Barbara Thomas.

Artists runs thru the veins of many of my family members. My mother is a retired artist. I had couple shows with Kojo Kamau, whom I miss dearly, and had exhibits with Pepper [Johnson]. I had an exhibit this at the Broad Street Presbyterian Church at 760 E. Broad Street. I had an exhibit with Ellen O'Shaughnessy with conversations and coffee in 2003.  I had several shows at the Cultural Arts Center, I had an exhibit at the King Arts Complex, and many more shows.  I have been featured in the media on channel 10 news and channel 6 and I had several newspaper write-ups.  I had a couple shows at the ROY G BIV Nonprofit Gallery for Emerging Artists. My art work was featured in the Folk Art magazine, Winter, 2002. I had a showing at the Aladdin Shrine Temple and also at Maryhaven.

I love to shop at a Menards store. I have saved a lot of money buying wood to make my own frames. Menards has a great variety of glues and saws and beautiful paints which they can mix to your desire. I found art products that I did not know about.


My name is Barbara Thomas I come from a large family. I never dreamed of being an artist.  When I was young I made mud pies and dolls and teddy bears which people enjoyed. I am a retired artist.

I watched my grandmother sew when I was young.  She was a very wise woman and would tell me to take my time and stay focused in life.  A lot of things did not make sense at my young age. When I got older I would put different colors of hair on my dolls, red, yellow, and blue yarn, which some people made fun of, not realizing that there would come a time when men and woman would wear these colors of hair on their heads.

In order to create you have to have a goal, an imagination, and the energy and boldness to create no matter what the other person see or says.  I believe that artists put themselves into their artwork; their personality and their features which speak and come alive to the viewers.  I cannot read a clothing pattern well yet somehow I seemed to get my measurements right in making clothes and coats in the past.

Write-ups about Vivian Pitman

Jame, Liz. "Glories: Vivian Pitman at Lindsay." Friday, March 13, 2009. Scroll down page to view this article.

Kotwal, Kaizaad. "Freely formed - 'Outsider' Works Spring from Pure Imagination." Columbus Dispatch, p. 6E, March 15, 2009. Current students can read this article by searching the NewsBank database linked below:

View the Exhibit!

Artist's Reception for Vivian Pitman and Barbara Thomas


Artist's Reception for Vivian Pitman 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.  -- Library (Columbus Hall)

Visitor Parking is available on campus.  

Info about Visitor Parking

See map below.


Campus Map with Arrows to visitor parking and Columbus Hall

Exhibit Schedule for 2018

Who's scheduled to exhibit art in the library 2018:

January - Hillary Jones - Dreamscapes
February - Vivian Pitman - One Person's Trash is Another Person's Treasure
March - Lynne Prillerman - Looking Through the Lenses of Lynne
April - Paul Rehg - Academic Nuts Cartoons
May - OPEN
June - OPEN
July - OPEN
August - Wilfredo Calvo Bono
September- William C. Hemming - Oils & Watercolors
October - OPEN
November - Nelson Reinhardt
December - OPEN

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