Gallery Exhibit Archives: Barbara Thomas, Suzanne Gallagher & Vivian Pitman

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

Suzanne Betz Gallagher Biography

Suzanne Gallagher is a versatile, award-winning, Columbus artist.  She is also owner of The Roscoe Room, a Custom Fine Art Studio located at 60 Parsons Avenue, Columbus, OH 43215.


Born in Philadelphia and raised in central Florida, Suzanne is a classically trained oil painter with a colorist’s playful sensibility. Gallagher’s subjects include portraits, landscapes and cityscapes.  She works in oils, acrylics, and mixed media.   Her art is a mixture of observation and reaction in an expressionist style. 


Her process begins with several oil sketches working toward the final canvas in a style that is vibrant and deliberate.  Her paintings and drawings are in collections throughout the U.S., Canada, and Australia. 


Please feel welcome to visit The Roscoe Room anytime by appointment.


The Roscoe Room

60 Parsons Ave.

Columbus, Ohio 43215

614 202-8106

Website: The Roscoe Room or search for her on Facebook.


Suzanne Gallagher: Artist's Statement

“A work of art arises from the perfect balance between the conceivable and the inconceivable.”

                                                                                                - Andrzej Dragan, photographer



The natural beauty of the Florida of my childhood is contrasted in my memory with the loud artificial colors of the tourist trade, the tourists themselves, and sun bleached hues in between. College brought me to Ohio and dramatic changes in season. I became enamored with blue shadowed snow. It was also a change from youth to adult; innocence to responsibility; ignorance to empathy.


Emotions and experience began to have color. Music had color, and so did conversation, history, and literature. And death has its own colors...inconceivable but true.


I am classically trained to make many studies, drawings, monochromatic, clean and scientific...process. My pay off, my joy, is in the messy colors through which I can express my feelings. I conceive an idea and wait patiently for the reflective color in my day to bring to completion something indelibly magic.


There is so much still to learn, to see, to document and to share in my future as an artist. I imagine a great journey ahead. In the meantime, how I get there is a colorful mystery.


Three Inspired Women: Barbara Thomas, Suzanne Gallagher, and Vivian Pitman

Learn More about Artists Barbara Thomas and Vivian Pitman

For more information about the artists Barbara Thomas and her daughter Vivian Pitman, please click on the links below or their tabs above.

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