Gallery Exhibit Archives: January 2017 - Robin A. Buser

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

December and January's Exhibit - The Stitcher's Art: Selected Pieces by Robin Buser


Robin Buser standing in front of a few of her cross stitch pieces


The Library welcomes the needle art of Robin Buser to the Main Gallery on the second floor.  Her exhibition “The Stitcher’s Art” showcases a few of the pieces that she has created with needle and thread over the past 25 years.  Robin is one of the librarians here at Columbus State and has been stitching since she was a young girl.  The exhibit will be on display until campus closes after Finals Week.


Exhibit Schedule for 2017

Who's scheduled to exhibit art in the library 2017:

January - Robin A. Buser - "The Stitcher's Art" 
February -  Marvin Taylor               
March - Howard Graves Acrylic
April - Rocco Di Pietro            
May - William Hemming - Oil/Acrylic
June - Albert Gray                    
July - Zamzam Farah - Acrylic (hannah)
August - Jessica Moore              
September - Daryl Brown - Oils &Watercolors
October - Cecilia Roman - Oil/Acrylic
November - Gene Strickland - Student Digital Photography
December - Open     

The Stitcher's Art: Selected Pieces by Robin A. Buser

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