Gallery Exhibit Archives: January 2015 - Marvin Taylor

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

Marvin Taylor

MT with Dusenberg

Mr. Marvin Taylor holding his wonderful model of a
1932 Dusenberg.

Exhibit Schedule for 2015

January - Marvin Taylor - Paintings and Car Models
February - Kimberly Ryan
March - Cecilia Roman - Abstract Realism - Paintings
April - Shawn Lowe
May - Vivian Pitman, Barbara Thomas, and Heidi Rose Forby - Paintings and Dolls
June - William Hemming - Acrylic Paintings
July - Mark Fohl - Photography
August - Briana Olsen
September - Nelson Reinhardt
October - Lori Trent and Tiffany McClair
November - Wilfred Calvo Bono
December - No Artist Scheduled

Paintings and Model Cars by Marvin Taylor

Marvin Taylor, Exhibiting in January 2015

Mr. Marvin Taylor's paintings and a few of his hand-made model cars are on exhibit at the Columbus State Community College Library this month.

Mr. Marvin Taylor was born in Columbus, OH, on July 9th, 1942.  A completely self-taught artist, he has been painting and creating wonderfully detailed model cars since he was 12 years old.  He's interested in painting a wide variety of subjects.  His ideas for painting come out of his imagination.  He looks at scenes or at automobiles and remembers and then draws from memory.

He loves to paint using acrylics and often inserts glitter to enhance details in his paintings.  The subject matter of most of the paintings in this exhibit are interesting landscapes and paintings of buildings in picturesque landscapes that include rivers or water flowing in the landscape.  He paints these scenes in a charming, child-like, primitive style.  The paintings have interesting textures in them often with attention paid to rocks and stones.   The paintings are full of wonderful blues and greens.  The finished paintings are matte, not shiny, and are simply framed.  The average size of these paintings is approximately 23 inches wide by 17 inches tall.

He has built model cars for his own pleasure ever since he was a young boy and they are marvelous.  He draws the cars first.  Mr. Taylor has constructed his model cars out out of cardboard, acrylic paint, metal foil, glitter, fabric, carpeting, electrical tape, and nails.  His Dusenberg has an engine which can be seen by folding back the hood.  The interiors have steering wheels, stick shifts, interior door handles, knobs, dials, and some have upholstery and carpeting too.  He is also including gps screens on the interior panels. He includes sideview mirrors and hood ornaments as well.  Door can be opened and the Green Dodge Challenger's roof can be removed to make the car a convertible.  It takes Mr. Taylor about 4 to 5 days to build one of these cars.

If you are interested in purchasing any of these paintings, please contact the the artist, Marvin Taylor directly at (614) 378-6724.  

The model cars are not for sale.

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