Gallery Exhibit Archives: December - Hillary Jones - "Song By Song"

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

Song By Song by Hillary Jones

Song By Song
Hillary Jones
December 2019
Columbus State Community College
1st and 2nd floors

Hillary Jones' Artist Statement

Hillary Jones is a graduate of The Ohio State University with a BFA in Photography.  In these new works, she steps outside of the camera to experiment and practice with new mediums and methods.  Each piece was painted during the duration of the song for which it is titled.  Using a single continuous black line, the music is transposed onto paper.  Bold colors highlight the mood and feel of each song.

Exhibit Schedule for 2019

Who's scheduled to exhibit art in the library during 2020

January  - OPEN

February - Henry Cade, Jr.

March - Michael Cooley

April - Maria Palatsky and Sofia Ream - Photography and Paintings

May - Philip Sarsany

June - Mark Fohl and the Westbridge Camera Club

July - William C. Hemming

August - OPEN

September - Cecila Román

October - Daryl Brown

November - OPEN

December - OPEN

View this Month's Exhibit Online

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