Gallery Exhibit Archives: July 2016 - Paul D. Wilbur

Find art exhibits that have shown previously in CSCC's library starting in 2012.

This Month's Artists

Paul D. Wilbur
Black and White Photos
July 5 - July 31, 2016

Information about the Photographs of Paul D. Wilbur


"These photographs by artist Paul D. Wilbur portray a stunning solitude, both sharp and expansive. Do these images contemplate a dying Americana in the 21st century? There are no people here, but some evidence of humankind, the landscapes uninhabited, urban and outland.
The photos examine isolation, barriers, fences, a porch without stairs, while also witness to a luring connection. Sometimes that contact is indirect or confusing, other times it is more certain: utility poles or railroad tracks. At times the photos suggest the past, but carefully question nostalgia with traces of a harsh reality. Still, somehow these photos seem strangely comfortable. Is this how people used to be or have now chosen to be? Is this the absence of connection or a revision of what it means to be connected? Are these images of rise or ruin?"

This information has been taken from the artist's June-July 2016 exhibit description on the Ohio Art League X Space page at where he is exhibiting "Wilburscapes - The Lonely Landscapes of Paul D. Wilbur." This separate exhibit is running  concurrently with our display in the Columbus State Library during July 2016.  

Photographer, Paul D. Wilbur is giving an talk, July 8, at 6 p.m.  at the Ohio Art League X Space, 400 W. Rich St., Columbus, OH 43215.

Paul D. Wilbur - "The Lonely Landscapes"

Exhibit Schedule for 2016

January - Kimberly Colleen Rhyan - #takeheART Project (1st Floor)
and the Thurgood Marshall Exhibit Through February 29, 2016 (2nd Floor) (See linked guide)
Mid-January through February - Vivian Pitman: Black History Month 2016
March - Columbus State's Art Department Faculty Exhibit: Judy Beckman, Ian Cross, Stacy Leeman, & Jon Wahling
April - Rocco Di Pietro (Humanities Dept.) and Romulo Vazquez
May - June - William C. Hemming
July - Paul D. Wilbur
August - Suzanne Gallagher -"The Smile Lines Project"
September - Cecilia Román
October - Jerrilyn Heine (Disability Services Interpreter)
November - Gene Strickland (Digital Photography, Assoc. Professor)
December - Wilfred Calvo-Bono

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