Periodicals in Print: In The Library

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Title Library has From
Americav.230 (2024)21A
American Art Reviewv.34 (2021)-35A
American Journal of Clinical Nutritionv.115 (2022)-v.116 (2022)33A
American Journal of Nursingv.122 (2022)-48A
American Journal of Public Healthv.112 (2022)-48A
American Legionv.194 (2023)-v.197 (2024)35A
American Literaturev.94 (2021)-28A
Archaeologyv.75 (2022)-55A
Architectural Digestv.77 (2020)-v.81 (2024)11A
Architectural Recordv.210 (2022)-11A
Art Culinaireno.148 (2024)-33A
Art Culinaire (Previous years located at MAIN STACKS (641.514 A7842))no.1986-33A
The Atlanticv.333 (2024)-21A
Automotive Engineeringv.9 (2022)-12A
Automotive Newsv.98 (2024)-12A
Aviation Week and Space Technologyv.186 (2024)-13A
Beijing Reviewv.67 (2024)-v.67 (2024)31B
Bon Appétitv.67 (2022)-33B
Booklistv.120 (2024)-39B
Building Design and Constructionv. 61 (2020)- v.63 (2022)19
Childhood Educationv.98 (2022)-24C
Christianity Todayv.68 (2024)21C
Chronicle of Higher Educationv.70 (2024)-v.71 (2024)25C
College Englishv.84 (2022)-v.86 (2024)28C
Columbus Monthlyv.49 (2024)-31C
Commentaryv.157 (2024)-21C
Communication Artsv.61 (2020)-v.66 (2024)23C
Community College Journalv.92 (2022)-25C
Computers, Informatics, Nursing (CIN)v.38 (2020)-v.40 (2022)48C
Construction Digestv.111 (2021)-v.114 (2024)19C
Construction Specifierv.73 (2020)19C
Consumer Reportsv.89 (2024)31C
Cosmopolitanv.273 (2024)-31C
Creative Nonfictionv.73 (2020)-no.78 (2022)28C
Current Biographyv.79 (2018)-v.85 (2024)31C
Current Historyv.119 (2020)-35C
Discoverv.43 (2022)-14D
DVM360v.53 (2022)-58D
Eating Wellv.18 (2020)-v.21 (2022)33E
Economistv.446 (2023)-55E
Education Weekv.43 (2024)-25E
EMS Worldv.51 (2022)27E
Environmental Nutritionv.45 (2022)-33E
Esquirev.180 (2024)-31E
Essencev.54 (2024)-31E
Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviewv.48 (2020)-v.52 (2024)56E
Facts & Findingsv.48 (2020)-49F
Families in Societyv.101 (2020)-24F
Fine Gardeningno.203 (2022)-no.220 (2024)38F
Flyingv.149 (2022)-v.149 (2023)13F
Food & Winev.43 (2020)-33F
Forbesv.206 (2023)-15F
GQ: Gentlemen's Quarterlyv.94 (2024)-31G
Harper'sv.348 (2024)-31H
History Todayv.72 (2022)-35H
Home Healthcare Nowv.38 (2020)-48H
Inc.v.46 (2024)-15I
JAMA: Journal of the American Medical Associationv.331 (2024)-48J
Journal of American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA)v.91 (2020)32J
Journal of Faculty Developmentv.38 (2024)-25J
Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance (JOPERD)v.93 (2022)-v.95 (2024)56J
Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dieteticsv.122 (2022)-33J
Journal of the American Dental Associationv.153 (2022)22J
Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Associationv.260 (2022)-58J
Journal of Wildlife Diseasesv.58 (2022)-58J
Landscape Architecturev.112 (2022)-38L
Library Journalv.149 (2024)-39L
Lodgingv.45 (2020)-33L
Massage & Bodyworkv.38 (2022)-41
Massage Therapy Journalv.59 (2020)-41M
Men's Healthv.39 (2024)-31M
Mother Jonesv.49 (2024)-21M
Motor Trendv.76 (2024)-12M
Ms.v.33 (2024)-31M
NADmagv.20 (2020)-37N
Nationv.316 (2023)-21N
National Geographicv.245 (2024)-31N
National Paralegal Reporterv.45 (2020)-49N
National Reviewv.76 (2024)-21N
New England Journal of Medicinev.390 (2024)-48N
New Republicv.255 (2024)-21N
New Scientistv.261 (2024)-14N
New Yorkerv.99 (2024)-28N
Nursingv.53 (2023)-48N
Nursing Researchv.72 (2022)-48N
Nutrition & Foodservice Edgev.29 (2020)-33N
Nutrition Todayv.55 (2020)-33N
Ohiov.47 (2024)-31O
Out + Advocatev.32 (2024)- +31O
Paris Matchno.3896 (2024)-no.3942 (2024)45P
People Weeklyv.101 (2024)-21P
Physics Todayv.74 (2020)-v.77 (2024)50P
Popular Mechanicsv.201 (2024)-42P
Progressivev.87 (2024)-21P
Psychology Todayv.57 (2024)-31P
RDHv.42 (2022)-22R
Realtor Magazinev.55 (2022)-53R
Reasonv.55 (2024)-31R
Research in the Teaching of Englishv.56 (2022)-v.58 (2024)28R
Respiratory Carev.65 (2020)-v.67 (2022)54R
Rolling Stoneno.1383 (2024)-31R
Runner's Worldv.58 (2022)-v.59 (2024)56R
School Nutritionv.74 (2020)-33S
Sciencev.383 (2024)-14S
Science Fiction Studiesv.49 (2022)-v.51 (2024)28S
Science Newsv.201 (2021)-v.206 (2024)14S
Scientific Americanv.326 (2022)-14S
Scientistv.37 (2022)-v.38 (2024)14S
Smithsonianv.54 (2024)-31S
Social Workv.67 (2022)-44S
Sports Illustratedv.135 (2024)-31S
Strength and Conditioning Journalv.44 (2022)-v.46 (2024)56S
Surgical Technologistv.52 (2020)-57S
Teaching English in the Two-Year Collegev.50 (2022)-28T
Timev.203 (2024)-28T
Today's Dietitianv.24 (2022)-33T
Tufts University Health & Nutrition Letterv.39 (2022)-33T
Voguev.214 (2024)-31V
Wiredv.32 (2024)-18W

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