Welcome to the Library: Acquisitions & Metadata Services

Columbus State Community College Library Homepage

Acquisitions & Metadata Services

Acquisitions & Metadata Services acquires, catalogs, and processes all the materials for the library’s collection, including new books, DVDs, magazines and journals, and electronic resources. We also maintain the library’s catalog and are home to the college archives.

Requesting materials for the Library

To request new materials, faculty members must have their department chairperson sign a new materials request form. Completed forms should be submitted to Sharon Richter, 614-287-2082. The requester will be notified when the ordered materials have been received by the library.

Gift Guidelines

The Columbus State Community College Library welcomes gifts of books.  When gift books are received, the library reserves the right to determine inclusion in the collection, retention, cataloging treatment, and all other considerations relating to the use of the materials.  The library is prohibited by law from appraising gifts for tax purposes. 

Once gifts are received, the library will determine whether or not to include in the collection.  Those items which are not chosen will be offered to other OhioLINK libraries and can be requested by other academic libraries in Ohio.  If no other Ohio library requests the items, they will be recycled.

To give books to the library, contact the supervisor of Acquisitions & Metadata Services.

AMS Services - 287-2469

Each month a list of recently cataloged materials is made available:

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