Welcome to the Library: Periodical Services

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Magazines & Newspapers

Periodicals Desk

Q    Where are the print journals & newspapers in the library?


Journals and magazines are located on the 3rd floor of the Library in the Periodicals area. We have nearly 400 titles in print covering a variety of topics to assist you in your research. Journals may not be checked out of the Library, but there are photocopiers on all three floors for your use.

Complete Listing of print and microform magazines, journals, and newspapers.

The Periodicals Department can also help you locate and obtain articles from magazines, journals and newspapers unavailable in the Library or online.

Q    How do I find a specific magazine/journal/newspaper?


All print periodicals (magazines, journals, and newspapers) are located on the 3rd floor of the Library. They are in alphabetical order by title on the shelves. Lists of the magazines and newspapers the library owns are available online.

You can also search The Library Catalog for a particular title. The E-Journal Finder is available to determine which databases contain the full-text for particular periodicals.

Q    Where can I check out magazines/newspapers?

AMagazines, journals, and newspapers are for use in the library only and cannot be checked out. There are copy machines on all floors of the library for your use. Copies cost 5 cents per page.
  • The issue may not have been received yet (check the Library Catalog).
  • Someone may be looking at the issue you are searching for.
  • The issue may be waiting to be reshelved.
  • Despite security precautions, some issues get stolen.

Q    What if I found a great article from my computer search and you do not carry the magazine/journal?

ACheck our E-Journal finder first to determine if the periodical is available full-text in a database. If it is not, librarians can check its availability for you at another OhioLINK institution or another Columbus- area library. Ask at the Periodicals desk for more information.

Q    With so much available online, what are the advantages to using print copies of periodicals?


If you haven’t yet decided on a research topic, browsing through print copies of journals in your field of study allows you to explore subject matter that might give you an idea for your essay.

In addition, learning the names of leading professionals in your field and keeping up-to-date on issues and developments in your field can be valuable information when interviewing for a job.

Understanding the Different Types of Periodicals

Learn more about the general characteristics of academic journals, trade publications, newspapers, and general interest magazines.

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