Library Help: Faculty

Course Reserves

How do I place books/materials on reserve for my course(s)?

Please fill out the Course Reserves Form.

Or contact Julie Dulaney, Circulation Librarian, at 614-287-2267, or email her at for assistance.

Interlibrary Loan

How do I request items through Interlibrary Loan?

Please fill out the ILL Request Form, or ask for a paper form from any library service desk.

If you have any other ILL questions, please contact Julie Dulaney ( at 614-287-2267.

Library Instruction

How do I request a library instruction session?

For Columbus Campus classes call 614-287-2460, and for Delaware Campus classes call 740-203-8183.

You may reach either campus by email:

Or go to our Instruction information page.

Custom Research Guide

How can I get a Research Guide created or customized for my students to use?

Contact Sharon Richter, Reference & Instruction Supervisor, at 614-287-2082 or email

Embed Research Guides

How can I insert a Research Guide into my course's Blackboard shell?

Check out this YouTube Video on Embedding Guides in Blackboard.

For more assistance, contact Hydy Cates, eResources Coordinator, at 614-287-5817 or email her at

College Credit Plus

Who do I contact in the library about College Credit Plus?

Contact Lorien Anderson, 614-287-2895,

And check out the College Credit Plus: A Guide to Librarian and Instructor Resources

Research Help

How can I get assistance with research, locating sources, and database help?

Chat with us online, walk in or contact the Reference Desk on the 2nd floor of Columbus Hall at 614-287-2460, or drop by the Learning Center Service Desk (Moeller Hall, Delaware) or call 740-203-8183 or email at


Open Education Resources

Where can I find information about Open Education Resources?

The OER Research Guide can help you with all your OER needs.

Multimedia Support

I'd like to know more about Multimedia Support Services for Faculty and Staff.

Contact Multimedia at 614-287-2272 or email at

New Materials

How can I suggest a Library purchase?

Fill out the New Materials Request form.

Or contact Sharon Richter for questions at 614-287-2082 or email

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