Library Help: Research

Reference Librarians Can Help with Research

Reference Librarians can help you begin your research. That's why we are here!
Find us on the 2nd floor of Columbus Hall at the Reference Desk and at the Delaware Campus Learning Center.

Call us for help: 614-287-2460 (Columbus Campus) or 740-203-8183 (Delaware Campus)
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There are separate pages with specific information on:
Finding Books and eBooks
Finding Articles

Research Guides

Research Guides provide suggestions on where to look for resources on a particular subject, course, or class assignment.

You can also browse the Research Guides by Academic Subject.

Quick Guides and Tech Guides

How Do I Begin My Research?

For a step-by-step guide to the research process, click on the link below.

Library Terms

Library Catalogs - The online list of books (and video and journals) that a library has. It can be searched by keyword, subject, title, or author.

Databases - Large collections of information organized for convenient search and retrieval. Databases typically store the online equivalent of print journal articles, electronic books, newspapers, or audio-visual materials and let users search by keyword, title, author, journal name, and more. Databases are subscription services and contain information not available with a basic web search.

Research Guides - Web pages created by library staff, often in conjunction with faculty, on a specific topic, for a specific course, or for a special event.

Quick Guides - Two-page instructions on how to complete a task related to library research, e.g., how to evaluate information, how to search the library catalog, etc.

Tech Guides - Two-page instructions on how to complete a technical task, e.g., save a document in MS Word, embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint, etc.

Print Materials - Physical books, magazines, newsletters, newspapers.

Online Materials - May or may not have existed in print but can be found online in digital form.

Citation Guides for MLA and APA

In-depth guides to APA and MLA include examples showing how to cite a wide range of materials and how to format your paper.

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