Library Help: Find Books

Catalog Search

CS Library

Use the Columbus State library catalog to search for books, journals, eBooks, and audio-visual materials owned by Columbus State Community College.

OhioLINK Catalog Search


Still can't find what you're looking for? Try OhioLINK. Use your name and Cougar ID to request items be delivered to the Columbus State Community College library.


Search Ohio Public Libraries


To locate books at selected public libraries throughout Ohio, and to request their delivery to the CSCC Library, use the Search Ohio catalog.

How Do I Check Out, Renew, and Return Books?

How Do I Find Books & eBooks?

To find books or ebooks for your research you'll need to search in a catalog. Catalogs show records of books and other materials held in each library and where they are located.

We have 3 different kinds of library catalogs you can search to find your books and other materials:

  • Columbus State Catalog - Search here for books, ebooks and films here in our library. 
  • OhioLINK (Academic Libraries in Ohio) - Search for these materials in almost all of the other academic libraries in Ohio, including our own. OhioLINK's "How-To" page.
  • SearchOhio (public libraries in Ohio) - Search for public library materials here. See how to request books through SearchOhio in "Request Books Through SearchOhio" below.

Dewey Decimal System

Columbus State Library materials are organized by the Dewey Decimal System, the same system used in public libraries.

The Dewey Decimal System: 000 General Knowledge, 100 Philosophy & Psychology, 200 Religion, 300 Social Sciences, 400 Languages, 500 Sciences, 600 Technology, 700 Arts & Recreation, 800 Literature, 900 History & Geography

This Dewey Decimal System signage is created by Maggie Appleton and is available as a part of Creative Commons and is used here with permission.

Which Library Card Do I Use?

Do I use my Cougar ID?

Your Cougar ID number (also called your Student ID) acts as your Columbus State library card.

  • Use it to check out materials from Columbus State and other OhioLINK libraries, as well as SearchOhio.
  • Use your Cougar ID number to retrieve print jobs in the library.
  • Use your Cougar ID number to access "My Account" to manage items including orders and renewals.
  • You can also check out library materials with a state issued photo ID such as a current driver's license or an Ohio ID card.

Get your Cougar ID! -- (Fees must be paid first)  First time students must bring a valid government ID (such as a Driver’s License) to the Lower Level of Madison Hall to receive a Cougar ID.

I forgot my Cougar ID number - Discover my Cougar ID here!


Do I use my public library card?

You also have the opportunity to search for books and films through many public libraries throughout the state through SearchOhio.

You can request books by using either your Cougar ID or, if your local library is a member, you can use your public library card to request a book and you can have the book delivered to your local library.

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