Hospitality Management: Hotel, Tourism & Event

This guide will help locate information and resources in the hospitality management plans of study.

Professional Associations


AHLA represents every segment of the hotel industry including major chains, independent hotels, management companies, REIT’s, bed and breakfasts, industry partners and more.

ASTA is "the world's largest association of travel professionals."

Library Resources

Browse Our Shelves Online

Check out our online catalog for more materials:

338.4791   Travel and Tourism

394.2         Event Planning

647.94       Hotels and Hospitality

910.23       Careers in Travel and Tourism

Print Periodicals

This periodical is available for browsing on the 3rd floor of the library.  Print periodicals do NOT check out.

Online Periodicals

The following periodicals are available electronically through the Electronic Journal CenterBusiness Source Complete, Factiva, and Nexis Uni databases.

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