APA 7 Citations: Audiovisual Media

This guide replaces the APA Citations guide for the 6th edition.

What Does the APA Mean by Audiovisual Media?

Audiovisual media may have both visual and audio components, or be audio only, or visual only.

For Audiovisual media it matters whether a work stands alone or is part of a greater whole.

  • Examples of "stand alone" works: feature film, TV series, work of art, podcast, webinar, or YouTube video.
  • Examples of "works that are parts of a greater whole": song from an album, TV episode, or podcast episode.

Here are a few examples of reference citations:


Fleming, E. (Host). (2017-present). Redrum blonde [Audio podcast]. Apple. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/redrum-blonde/id1256261530

Podcast episode

Nosrat, S. & Hirway, H. (Hosts). (2020, July 22). I scream, you scream, please scream inside your heart for ice scream (with Nadiya Hussain) (No. 6) [Audio podcast episode]. In Home Cooking. Apple Podcasts. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/i-scream-you-scream-please-scream-inside-your-heart/id1503149669?i=1000485751148

YouTube or other streaming video

Columbus State Librarians.(2020, May 15). APA format – Online media (websites, OER and social media). [Video]. YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiPLMfwP7cM

PP slides or lecture notes – pg. 347

PowerPoint slides from a website

U. S. Small Business Administration. (2016, September). Organizational types and considerations for a small business [PowerPoint slides]. U. S. Small Business Administration. https://www.sba.gov

PowerPoint slides or lecture notes from CSCC Blackboard Learn

NOTE: If the slides or lecture notes come from your course in Blackboard Learn and you are writing for an audience with access to Blackboard Learn, provide the name of the site and the login page to Blackboard Learn, https://courses.cscc.edu.

Brown, D. (2020, July 29). How to write proper lecture note citations found in course materials [Lecture notes]. Columbus State Blackboard Learn. https://courses.cscc.edu

Templates for Citing Audiovisual Media

This template gives you the order and formatting for each part of a reference citation (author, date, title, and source) for the various types of audiovisual media.

Templates for Citing Audiovisual Media

Template to Determine Who to Include as the Author

Media type

Include as the Author





TV series

Executive Producer(s)


TV series episode

Writer and director of episode



Host or executive producer


Podcast episode

Host of episode





Classical music album or song



Modern music album or song

Recording artist





Online streaming video

Person or group who uploaded the video





Source: P. 341 of the Seventh Edition: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Template for Citing Audiovisual Media that Stand Alone







Director, D. D. (Director).

Producer, P. P. (Executive Producer).

Host, H. H. (Host).

Artist, A. A.

Uploader, U. U.




(2020, April 20).

Title of work [Description].

Production Company.


Museum Name, Museum Location.

Department Name, University Name.


Source: p. 342 of the Seventh Edition: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Audiovisual Media are described in-depth on pp. 341-347.

Template for Citing Audiovisual Media that Are Part of a Greater Whole





Website name


Writer, W. W. (Writer), & Director, D. D. (Director).

Host, H. H. (Host).

Producer, P. P. (Producer).

Composer, C. C.

Artist, A. A.


(2020, April 20).

Title of episode (Season No., Episode No.) [Description].

Title of Song [Description].

In P. P. Producer (Executive Producer), Title of TV series.

Production Company.

In Title of podcast. Production Company.

On Title of album. Label.


Source: p. 342 of the Seventh Edition: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.

Audiovisual Media are described in-depth on pp. 341-347.

Audiovisual Media Reference and Citation Examples

APA's Newly Published Reference Examples

Here are some new reference and citation examples for audiovisual sources published only in APA's March 13th, 2020 blog post.

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