EBSCO eBooks Collection: My EBSCOhost

This guide provides general information about the EBSCO eBooks Collection, My EBSCOhost, and transferring ebooks to a mobile device.

What is MyEBSCOhost?

MyEBSCOhost gives you access to several personalized features:

  • Use folders to organize your research
  • Share folders with other users
  • Create email alerts and RSS feeds
  • Download ebooks for off-line viewing

Quick Tips

Create a MyEBSCOhost Account

Set up a My EBSCOHost account to save and share searches, alerts, and download e-books. Here's how:

1. From the EBSCOhost eBook Collection interface, click on Sign In in the top-right corner of the screen.

2. From the Sign In Screen, click the Create a New Account link.

3. Provide the needed information on the form. When you have completed the form, click the Save Changes button.

4. If all the information was accepted, a message appears that provides your user name. Click the Continue button. You will be automatically logged in as a personal user. You should note the user name and password you created so you can log in at a future session.

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