EBSCO eBooks Collection: Download EBSCO E-books

This guide provides general information about the EBSCO eBooks Collection, My EBSCOhost, and transferring ebooks to a mobile device.

Adobe Digital Editions

Adobe Digital Editions is an off-line digital reading utility that will allow you to download, manage, and read electronic documents.You must have an Adobe ID, Adobe Digital Editions, and the Adobe Reader Plugin installed on your computer to download e-books from the EBSCOhost eBooks Collection.

  1. Make sure that you have Adobe Digital Editions installed on your computer. Adobe Digital Editions is available for free download.

  2. You will need to activate Adobe Digital Editions on your computer by creating an Adobe ID and password, and then logging into Adobe Digital Editions. 

  3. If you’ve previously created an Adobe account but can’t recall your password, reset your password at Adobe.

  4. If you are using a portable device or e-book device, you’ll need to activate it with your Adobe ID and password. A list of supported eBook devices is available from Adobe.

View Help in Digital Editions or the FAQ for further information.

Checkout & Download an E-book to Your Computer

Many of the Columbus State library's EBSCO e-books can be downloaded to your computer. Here's how:

1. Click the Full Download link for the e-book you would like to download.

Search Results with the first Full Download link highlighted

2. Select a Borrow period from the drop-down menu, affirm you have Adobe Digital Editions installed and click the Full Download button.

Checkout Box with a drop down for number of Hours and a checkbox for Adobe Digital Editions installed and a Full Download button.

3. The e-book is added to the Checkout area of the folder, accessible from the upper-right corner of the EBSCOhost interface. If you are not logged into your My EBSCOhost folder, you are prompted to do so.

4. Save the File in the resulting dialog box.

Download dialogue box 5. When a downloaded e-book is opened, it is displayed in Adobe® Digital Editions:


Check Out/Download EBSCO E-books

Many Columbus State Library EBSCO e-books can be checked out/downloaded to your computer and transferred to a mobile devices. You'll also need a My EBSCOhost account and to set up Adobe Digital Editions.

Checkout Limitations

E-books from the EBSCOhost eBook Collection have a maximum checkout period of seventy-two (72) hours.

After the checkout period has expired, e-books will be "returned" to the collection for others to access.

Items can be returned early by deleting the material from your Adobe Digital Editions library.

Not all e-books can be downloaded. EBSCO e-books must be in .pdf format and must have a "Check Out & Download this eBook" link for downloading to be possible.

TipYou can limit your result list to just the downloadable e-books. Simply select Download available under Refine your results.

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