VOTE: Voter Registration

Find out how to register to vote, check your registration status, learn about upcoming elections, and more!

Register to Vote


Register to vote online or update your voter registration from the Ohio Secretary of State website.

Learn about National Voter Registration Day

Take the Pledge to Vote!

A recent study found that pledging to vote increased voter turnout. Read the article found in our research database Academic Search Complete. Click the link, then log in with your Columbus State credentials to read the article by Costa, Schaffner, and Prevost.

Columbus State Voter Information Video

Did You Know?

button the reads "register to vote"

  1. If you're 17, but turn 18 on or before the next general election you can register to vote now. For those who turn 18 before the next election.
  2. If you've been convicted of a felony your voting rights are restored automatically upon release from prison. Your Voting Rights in Ohio.

Ohio Boards of Elections Directory - Research Issues by County

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