The Basics
- Battle: When in Gym, players can fight (or battle) other teams’ Pokémon in order to get a chance to claim the Gym. Every time a player defeats a rival Pokémon, his Gym’s Prestige and level gets reduced. Upon cutting down the Gym’s prestige to zero, the Gym becomes the winning player’s property.
- Candy: Pokémon-specific items necessary to evolve your monster. For example, Charmander candy is necessary to evolve Charmander and any of his evolved forms.
- CP: Stands for combat points, which determine the strength of your Pokémon. You can raise your character's CP using Candy and Stardust.
- Defender Bonus: Players that defend a Gym are eligible for a daily reward (like per diem) of Stardust and PokéCoins. To claim the Defender Bonus, players should head to the shop.
- Evolution: As the name implies, Evolution changes a pocket monster into an individual of an evolved species of Pokémon with the help of a Candy.
- Experience Points: A player’s progress in the game is quantified as Experience Points (XP).
- Gyms: Where Pokémon battles take place. Signified on the in-game map via large towers with Pokémon atop of them. The player’s Gyms are referred as “friendly Gyms,” while the ones with other teams are called “rival Gyms.” The ones that have not been claimed thus far are referred as “open Gyms.”
- Fainted Pokémon: A Pokémon faints when there is zero Hit Points (HP). The Fainted Pokémon can only be revived with the help of items called “Revive” or “Max Revive.”
- Lures: Special Pokéstops that lots of Pokémon flock to for a limited time. You can create a Lure by dropping a Lure Module, which can be purchased in the in-game store.
- Medals: As the name implies, Medals are given to the players for a streak of gameplay achievements.
- Pokéstops: Special landmarks that yield rewards, including XP, Pokéballs and potions.

- Pokécoins: In-game currency that can be bought or earned through battles.
- Pokedex: Where players can look for information about all the pocket monster species that have been caught or bumped into.
- Power-up: This terminology refers to boosting the Pokémon to increase Combat Power (CP) and Hit Points (HP). This can be achieved by making use of Stardust and Candy.
- Prestige: Prestige was used to measure the progress of the Gym. Prestige used to be earned when pocket monsters train at the Gym.
- Stardust: Special item needed for powering up Pokémon. Can be earned via catching Pokémon and by having Pokémon stored in gyms.
- Training: When in friendly Gyms, trainers used to fight Pokémon assigned by their own team members. This helped in increasing the Experience Points (XP) and Prestige of the Gym. This is no longer a feature in the game.
- Trainer: Pokémon Go players are called Trainers.
- Wild Pokémon: Refers to the bunch of pocket monsters (or Pokémon) that have not been captured yet.
Pokéstops, Items, and Lures
- Egg: These contain Pokémon. Players will need to put an egg in an incubator and walk a certain distance (each egg will tell a player how long they will need to walk) for it to hatch. Players will also receive Stardust and Candies upon hatching.
- Great Ball: Unlocks at level 12. Used for catching Pokémon. These special balls have a higher rate of capture, so players should use them on hard-to-get Pokémon.
- Incense: Attracts Pokémon to player's location for 30 minutes. Works best if player is moving.
- Incubators: Can be used to incubate and hatch eggs. Players can use multiple incubators at once to incubate and hatch multiple eggs.
- Lucky Egg: Doubles player's XP for 30 minutes. To rack up XP quickly, use a Lucky Egg in an area where player is likely to meet a lot of Pokémon (near a lure module or while using incense), or right before player is about to evolve several Pokémon (evolving nets 500XP).
- Lure Module: Can be pinned to a PokéStop to attract Pokémon to that location for 30 minutes. Works for everyone near the PokéStop.
- Master Ball: Unlocks at a higher (currently unknown) level. Captures Pokémon every time.
- Poké Ball: Used for catching Pokémon. Just toss these at Pokémon met in the wild.

- Potion: Restore 20 Hit Points (HP) to Pokémon injured in gym battles. Will only work if Pokémon have not fainted.
- Razz Berry: A forbidden fruit that can be fed to a wild Pokemon to make it easier to catch.
- Revive: Revives a fainted Pokémon and restores half of its HP.
- Super Potion: Restore 50HP to Pokémon injured in gym battles. Will only work if Pokémon have not fainted.
- Ultra Ball: Unlocks at level 20. Used for catching Pokémon. Has a higher rate of capture than a Great Ball.
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