Pokémon Go! : A Cultural Phenomenon: FAQ


What are the leaves in Pokémon Go?

  • Basically, the rustling leaves are meant to indicate that this is the area on the map where Pokémon will generally spawn. Contrary to what you would assume, the leaves do not necessarily indicate that there is definitely a Pokémon in that area. If you see this graphic on your map, it’s certainly worth heading over to that area to explore, but this is more the game telling you that this is a Pokémon-friendly section of the map rather than alerting you that there is definitely a Pokémon present.  But if you’re looking for some indication of where the Pokémon are, what you’ll want to do is use the rustling leaves indicator in combination with the footsteps marker at the bottom of your screen. At any given time, click the button in the bottom right corner, which contains a silhouetted Pokémon. Pull it up and you’ll get a list of all the Pokémon in your immediate area, with the footsteps representing how far away they are. Three footsteps means the Pokémon is somewhat far away, while one footstep means it’s close.

How do you capture a wild Pokémon?

  • The white ring surrounding the Pokémon will change depending on how likely you are to capture it - smaller is better. You get more points the closer to the center of the ring your Pokéball hits.

How do I obtain Pikachu as my starter?

  • Trainers can choose which of the three--Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle-- they want to catch at the very beginning of the game and, at the conclusion of the world's easiest battle, whoever they picked will now be theirs.  There's a secret fourth starter Pokémon, however. If Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle aren't quite your speed, there's a way to choose Pikachu instead. The method, which involves walking away from the initial trio multiple times, is a little bit complicated, but if Pikachu's your favorite, it may be worth the effort.

How do I find specific Pokémon?

  • It’s best to look for Pokémon near their habitat. For example, if you’re on the beach or at a pier, you’re likely to find Water-type Pokémon. However, if you’re in a desert climate, you would be much less likely to find Water-type Pokémon.  You can see the kinds of Pokémon that might be found near your current location by using the Nearby feature. Note that Pokémon already in your Pokédex will appear in color, while those not in your Pokédex will be grayed out.

What does a ‘paw’ print represent in distance?

  • One paw print is representative of roughly 100 hundred meters. This means that if you have a Pokémon on your radar you will only have to run roughly 300 hundred meters, or three football pitches. This way you can figure out quickly if the prize is worth the distance.

Does the egg hatch progress change at speed?

  • Yes, your ‘egg hatch progress’ will not advance when your device is found to be traveling over 15 MPH. This means that your eggs will not progress whilst driving, on the bus or on your bike. Pokémon GO monitors your movement. Eggs hatch based on how many steps you take and how far you travel on a map. Supposed hacks including attaching phones to bicycle wheels and pets will not work, unless you set said pet out in the yard perhaps?  The definitive answer though is in order to hatch your eggs quickly, move around as much as possible.

What does a Pokéstop with confetti around it mean?

  • The "confetti" are actually cherry blossom pedals. That's a lure module that another player has placed on the Pokéstop to lure more Pokémon to the area. You can also benefit from their lure module if you grab the lured Pokémon before the other player. If you double it with an incense it will lure them to the stop and attract them directly to you.

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