Japanese: Learn Online

Japanese Word of the Day

Online Resources

RealKana - Practice hiragana and katakana recognition by choosing which characters you want to practice and typing their romaji equivalents. Also available for iOS

Nihongodict - free online Japanese-English dictionary

Renshuu - personalized vocabulary lessons, community discussion, and games

Kanji Project - Guide to kanji stroke order with animated .gifs from University of Michigan

Handwritten kanji recognition - Look up kanji by drawing them with the mouse

JapanReference - Japanese grammar guide

Jisho is a powerful Japanese-English dictionary. It lets you find words, kanji, example sentences and more quickly and easily.

Enter any Japanese text or English word in the search box and Jisho will search a myriad of data for you.

Transparent Language is a complete language-learning system for independent learners of over 110 languages, including Japanese. Transparent's Japanese for English Speakers course consists of 40 lessons including listening, speaking, reading, and writing practice.

Online Courses

Duolingo - Japanese available for iOS and Android

WaniKani - Learn kanji and vocabulary using radicals, mnemonics, and spaced repitition for optimum memorization

Mango (offered free through Columbus Metropolitan Library; must have library card)



Nihongo Master


NHK World Easy Japanese - "Easy Japanese" is a program of Japanese language lessons produced by Japan's public broadcaster, NHK WORLD RADIO JAPAN. You can learn basic grammar and useful expressions through lessons designed in audio-drama style. You can download audio and texts for the lessons free of charge.

iOS Apps

Dr. Moku's Hiragana Mnemonics - Visual mnemonics to help remember the 46 hiragana and their sounds ($4.99) Dr. Moku's Katakana Mnemonics - Visual mnemonics to help remember the 46 katakana and their sounds ($4.99) Kana Quiz - Hiragana and katakana flashcards featuring vocabulary words (first three levels free, $.99 to unlock full version)
LingoDeer - Interactive lessons and reviews in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, designed by language teachers (free) RealKana - Choose hiragana and katakana to practice and identify them by typing their romaji equivalent ($2.99) Kanji Monster Defense - Kanji learning game where player must match kanji to their meanings to attack "demons" and save the princess. (free)


Android Apps

Japanese - Japanese-English offline dictionary featuring over 160000 entries with 10000+ kanji and almost 60000 example sentences (free) Handwriting Japanese Kanji - Practice writing and learn stroke order for hiraganakatakana, and kanji (free) NHK Japanese Lessons - Audio dramas spoken by native Japanese speakers (free) WordSearch Japanese - Japanese word search game (free)
LingoDeer - Interactive lessons and reviews in Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, designed by language teachers (free) Dr. Moku's Hiragana & Katakana - Visual mnemonics to help remember hiragana and katakana and their sounds. ($6.99 for both alphabets) Kanji Monster Defense - Kanji learning game where player must match kanji to their meanings to attack "demons" and save the princess. (free) Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese - Lessons on hiragana, katakana, kanji, basic grammar, special expressions, and advanced topics. (free)

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