Japanese: Culture and Customs

Books in the Library

Modern Life in Japan

Japan-Guide.com - comprehensive, up-to-date information on traveling and living in Japan, featuring an extensive travel guide, a living guide for prospective and current foreign residents, a large resource section about various aspects of contemporary and traditional Japan, and a forum to ask questions and find friends.


JASCO logo

The Japan-American Society of Central Ohio (JASCO) is a private not-for-profit membership association of Americans and Japanese who desire to bring the Japanese and American communities together, promote goodwill through the sharing of knowledge about Japan, and provide a forum for informed discussion regarding the Japan-U.S. relationship. JASCO offers events such as Japanese language classes, ESL classes, and history clubs. 


eHRAF World Cultures

The eHRAF World Cultures contains ethnographic collections covering all aspects of cultural and social life. eHRAF is unique in having subject indexing at the paragraph level. This allows detailed and precise searching for concepts not easily found with keywords.

World Geography & Culture Online

The Definitive Resource for Studying the Geography and Cultures of the World. View Online.

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