BMGT: HVAC - An Entrepreneurial Business Plan: Feasibility Study Outline

Business Research Tutorials

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Feasibility Study Outline

  1. Executive Summary (written last, but presented first)
    1. Description of your business idea
    2. How this business will fit with your "business philosophy"
  2. Products and Service
    1. Describe the benefits of this business
    2. What are the limitations to your business
    3. What Partners and Suppliers will you work with
      1. List supplies and suppliers
      2. Who will manufacture the product
      3. How will you sell your product? Vendors and Distributors
    4. Restrictions to your business
      1. licensure
      2. qualifications
      3. education
  3. Market
    1. Who is you target market
    2. What is the potential of the industry
      1. Current Conditions
      2. Future Potential and Forecast
    3. What is the business competition of the industry
    4. How will I Advertise my business
      1. Marketing and Promotional Plan
  4. Financials
    1. What will my price of products and services be
      1. What will be the price margin
    2. Costs of business
      1. Fixed costs
        1. Real Estate (office)
        2. Untilites
        3. Payroll
        4. Government Fees
        5. Insurance
        6. Equpiment, Tools
        7. Salaries
        8. Loans
      2. Variable Costs
        1. Wages
        2. Commissions
        3. Invetory and Supply
        4. Transportation (fuel)
        5. Credit Card Fees
    3. Capital
      1. Start Up Funds
      2. Operating Capital
    4. Conclusion
      1. Evaluation of the options
      2. Define what you deem a success for the business
      3. Timeline to opening day
      4. Continue on to the Business Plan
    5. Appendix
      1. References
      2. Citations
      3. Charts, Graphs etc.

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