World Languages: Chinese

A guide to language learning resources for languages taught at Columbus State Community College


banner illustration of a Chinese street food market

Online Resources

  • LingoDeer - Language-learning app specializing in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. Free and premium content available.
  • Chinese Grammar Wiki - Free online resource for Chinese grammar.
  • Yoyo Chinese Pinyin Chart - Pinyin chart with audio and video explanations for English speakers.
  • Hacking Chinese Resources - Searchable database of hundreds of online Chinese learning resources; filter by level, topic, and resource type.
  • China Online Museum - Online museum with photos and information about Chinese ceramics, painting, calligraphy, bronzes, carving, and more.


horizontal timeline with coins representing each Chinese dynasty

Image from Simeon Netchev at World History Encyclopedia

Library Resources

Where to find Chinese books

Chinese language books: 495.1 

Chinese history: 951 - 951.5

Huangshan - "Yellow Mountains" in Anhui Province

photo from Wikipedia

The Great Wall of China

photo from Wikipedia

Shanghai - highest population in China with over 26.8 million people

photo from Viator

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