Third Space: Unit 2

Guide for Third Space English Composition

Unit Description

Unit 2: What I Do and Don’t Believe (approx. 6 weeks)

Unit 2 of the Third Space English class asks students to examine the world around them through various lenses they may not have used before. Students will focus on the hidden messages, implicit biases, and “rules” about social norms embedded in children’s media (movies and television). They will practice using lenses such as feminism, racism, and classism to explore what they see as young adults versus what they saw as young children. After a great deal of practice in class, students will have the opportunity to analyze a children’s television program or film of their choice through the lens(es) of their choice. They will learn to support their thoughts with specific textual evidence. Woven throughout this analytical work, students will also have a chance to explore the notion of “single stories” that may be told about themselves and others.

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