Nursing: Books

Catalog Search

CS Library

Use the Columbus State library catalog to search for books, journals, eBooks, and audio-visual materials owned by Columbus State Community College.

Searching Tips

Use subject searches to find items in the library catalog. Here are some examples you might want to try:

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OhioLINK Catalog Search


Still can't find what you're looking for? Try OhioLINK. Use your name and Cougar ID to request items be delivered to the Columbus State Community College library.

The library offers print titles for HESI A2 and NCLEX test prep. Just ask at the second floor reference desk!

Nurses of History

New Titles

Selected Titles

Test Prep eBooks (NCLEX, HESI, TOEFL)

Patient Care

eBook Databases

On Reserve

Many NURS courses have items on Course Reserve on the first floor of the library at the Circulation Desk. You can view the list of classes here. Click each individual class to view the books on reserve for that class.

Note: Course Reserve materials may be checked out for two hours and used within the library.

Online Textbooks

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