MULT 1401: Integrated Healthcare: Assignment: Your Major and Integrated Healthcare

Resources from the library and beyond to help students complete assignments for MULT 1401

What's on This Page?

This page contains guidance tailored to help you complete the "Your Major and Integrated Healthcare" assignment for MULT 1401. Here you will find suggested databases, search terms, and instructions for choosing peer-reviewed articles from a specific date range.

Suggested Search Terms

When conducting research, it's important to match your search terms to the language being used in academic literature. This is a trial-and-error process, and it's normal to conduct multiple searches using different combinations of search terms.

Searching for "integrated healthcare and [other topic]" is a good starting point:

Screenshot of the advanced search boxes in MEDLINE with Full Text, showing "integrated healthcare and depression" in the top search box.

Integrated healthcare is referred to by many names in academic journals. Here's some examples:

  • integrated healthcare
  • integrated care
  • integrated health care delivery
  • collaborative care
  • shared care

You may need to conduct multiple searches to account for the different terminology used to describe integrated healthcare. For instance, a search for "integrated healthcare and depression" yields many relevant results. A search for "collaborative care and depression" in the same database also yields relevant results, some of which may not have appeared in the first search.

Suggested Databases

Database-Specific Instructions

This assignment requires you to search for peer-reviewed articles published within a certain date range (currently 2018-present). Our databases offer tools for these purposes. Databases' search interfaces and capabilities can differ; instructions for each of the databases suggested for this assignment can be found below.

MEDLINE with Full Text, Health Source: Nursing/Academic, and Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection:

  1. Once in the database, click on the Advanced Search link under the search box.
  2. In the Limit Your Results section, select EBSCO Full Text and Scholarly Journals.
  3. In the Published Date fields, enter 2018 as the starting year.


  1. This database opens in the Advanced Search interface.
  2. In the Limit Your Results section, select Linked Full Text.
  3. Under Publication Type, select Peer Reviewed Journal.
  4. In the Published Date fields, enter 2018 as the starting year.

CINAHL Plus with Full Text:

  1. This database opens in the Advanced Search interface.
  2. In the Limit Your Results section, select Peer Reviewed and EBSCO Full Text.
  3. At the top of the page, enter your search terms on the first line.
  4. In the second line, enter 2018-2022 and select DT Publication Date in the drop-down menu:
    Screenshot of the CINAHL advanced search boxes. In the first line, a sample search, "integrated healthcare," is entered in the search box. In the second line, "2018-2022" is entered in the search box, and the drop-down menu to the right shows "DT Publication Date."

Electronic Journal Center:

  1. This database opens to a basic search interface (one search box, no options). Begin searching from this interface.
  2. In the Search Results page, use the Filter column on the left to narrow the search by year.

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