MULT 1401: Integrated Healthcare: Additional Help

Resources from the library and beyond to help students complete assignments for MULT 1401

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The Database Doesn't Have Full Text for My Article. Now What?

During your search, you may encounter times when the full text (PDF or HTML) of an article is not available in the database.  Follow these steps to see how you may locate an electronic or print version of your article:

  1. If PDF and HTML full text are unavailable, click Full Text Finderin certain databases to locate print copies in Columbus State's library or electronic copies in another database, such as the Electronic Journal Center.
  2. If you know the name of the journal in which the article appears, search the eResource Lookup to see if the journal is available online in one of the research databases.
  3. If the article is not available at Columbus State's library or electronically through the research databases, search the OhioLINK catalog for print holdings at nearby college or university libraries. 

This Guide's Author

OhioLINK Catalog Search


Still can't find what you're looking for? Try OhioLINK. Use your name and Cougar ID to request items be delivered to the Columbus State Community College library.


Catalog Search

CS Library

Use the Columbus State library catalog to search for books, journals, eBooks, and audio-visual materials owned by Columbus State Community College.

Course Reserves

Use the Columbus State library catalog to search for course reserves owned by Columbus State Community College.

Is a Publication Available Online in a Database?

Use the link below to discover whether a journal, magazine or newspaper is available online in one of our databases.

Start a Search

This video explains how this search works!

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