Bias in the Media: Periodicals & News Sources

What You Should Know

  • Database access is limited to students, faculty, and staff enrolled in the current semester at Columbus State Community College and other OhioLINK institutions. To access databases off-campus, enter your last name and Cougar I.D. when prompted.
  • The leanings of periodicals and journals come from the descriptions the organization provides on its website, usually found in the About Us section.
  • The leanings of newspapers and new sources is based on "blind" polling of American readers conducted at The AllSides Bias Rating website.


Search within each magazine by clicking on its title. Bias ratings from and Ad Fontes Media

Centrist Leaning

Liberal Leaning

Conservative Leaning

Scholarly Journals

Search within each journal by clicking its title.

Politics and Society

The National Interest

Wilson Quarterly

News Satire and Parodies

The following programs and sites satirize the news media and current events.

Media Perspectives

National Public Radio's, weekly podcast, 'On the Media,' explores fluctuations in the marketplace of ideas, and examines threats to the freedom of information and expression in America and abroad. For one hour a week, the show tries to lift the veil from the process of "making media," especially news media, because it's through that lens that we see the world and the world sees us. Source: On the Media: About Us

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The newspapers below represent a sampling of the more prominent new sources. Conduct searches for your research using the database option. Read the daily edition of a newspaper to explore its biases.

Liberal Leaning Newspapers
Database Access:
New York Times
Washington Post

Daily Web Editions:
New York Times
Washington Post

Conservative Leaning Newspapers
Database Access:
New York Post
Wall Street Journal

Daily Web Editions:
New York Post
Wall Street Journal

News Organizations

Click on the name of the news source below to views its website. Find the text transcript of a particular show or segment by using LexisNexis Academic. Reading a broadcast, instead of listening to it, can often provide additional insight into the way information is presented.

Conservative Leaning      
Fox News
Liberal Leaning

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