bias and media coverage
liberal or conservative and bias
[insert topic] and media bias
media manipulation
bias media
mass media criticism*
media influence
media coverage
media effects
media representation
media objectivity
Index, abstracts, and full text articles for many scholarly publications covering all academic areas of study.
Using the New Academic Search Complete (YouTube)
Explores in depth a single "hot" topic in the news each week, ranging from teen issues, to the environment, to health and education, to science and technology.
How to Use Issues & Controversies (YouTube)
News Bias Explored: The Art of Reading the News by the University of Michigan
This site demonstrates how the media is influenced, and how these influences manifest themselves. Source: Bass, B. P., et al. News Bias Explored: The Art of Reading the News. University of Michigan. September 30, 2008.
How Biased is Your Media?: A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
When it comes to politics and media, the left argues that the right is more biased than the left while the right argues that the left is more biased than the right. Who’s right? Listen to the discussion led by Stephen J. Dubner.