Gender Research: Find Articles

This guide points out useful resources for research on gender and related topics, such as sexuality, gender roles, feminism, and cultural influences.

Need Help Searching?

Refer to the following Library Quick Guides for helpful information on library research:

Gender News

News articles from ScienceDaily on gender differences.

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Recommended Databases

Search the following research databases for articles originally published in journals, magazines, and newspapers.  When selecting sources, look for articles published in scholarly journals and written by experts in the field:

Additional Databases

The general databases listed below also have sub-topics pertaining to various aspects of gender, from gender identity to gender in the media and popular culture:

Popular Magazines in Print

Popular magazines make for interesting studies when it comes to gender.

Browse magazine and journal titles on the third floor of the library on the Columbus Campus.

Electronic Journals

If accessing the following titles off campus, you will need to sign in with your name and Cougar ID.

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