Generation One Trailblazers: Intro

Welcome, First-Generation College Students!


First-generation students are among the first in their family to attend college. 
It's an honor that comes with both rewards and challenges, and Columbus State can help.

This guide is a companion to Columbus State's celebration of National First-Generation College Student Day, an annual event at colleges and universities across the United States.

The print books listed in this guide can be found on the third floor of the library, and are available for checkout with a photo ID. Some books can also be checked out from the Delaware campus. 

Librarians can help you locate additional books, articles, and other sources to learn even more about first-generation students and the topics included in this guide. Friendly and helpful librarians can be found on the second floor of the library or on the Delaware campus. 

Librarians can also assist with research for assignments, including help with citations! Librarians can offer help and assistance on many assignments in any subject. Please feel free to ask the librarians all of your questions either in-person, via email, or online chat! 

a person at their graduation holding a sign that says 'the first in my family...'

First-Gen First Lady 

"Don't try to do this alone--find a community to support you." Source

Generation One Trailblazers

Got Support? Now you do.
Generation One Trailblazers (GOT) was created to support first-generation students at Columbus State.  Services include mentoring, scholarships, and other helpful resources for navigating college.  You can also connect with GOT on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

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