Film: Find Movie Reviews

How to choose films by theme/subject, find movie reviews, and explore film criticism by director, film, genre, and more.

Find Reviews of Older Films with Books!

The Columbus State Library and OhioLINK have anthologies of top-quality film reviews, plus books of reviews by individual critics. Below is a sampling of book reviews. Please see a librarian for additional assistance.

How Do I Find and Where Do I Search for Movie Reviews?

1942 poster for the film "Cat People" produced by Val Lewton and directed by Jacques Tourneur

Source: Wikimedia Commons [Poster for Val Lewton and Jacques Tourneur's film, Cat People]

Need to find a movie review? This page will help you find movie reviews in our library collection, in magazines and newspapers (via our databases), and from authoritative internet resources.

Try the Film & Literature Index Database

Many of our databases contain film reviews, but for the best writing on feature films, we suggest the Film & Television Literature Index. Once logged in, click the Advanced Search link immediately below the search bar, then scroll down and click once on "Film Review" in the Document Type menu:

Next type the movie name in the search box at the top of the page, and click the red Search button to run the search.

Find Reviews On The Web

Please remember that many instructors require students to use reviews written by journalists and other professionals. Always evaluate your search results: is the review signed? Is the website a news outlet or other trusted site? Is the style professional? When in doubt, ask your instructor.

Here's a few hand-picked resources to get you started:

Rotten Tomatoes: After you search for a movie, scroll down to the "Critic Reviews" section to access links to reviews from professional film critics (helpful for finding reviews of older movies).

Roger Ebert's website contains reviews and commentary from Ebert and other film critics. Although Ebert died in 2013, the website continues to be updated by professional reviewers.

Variety, a publication by and for the entertainment industry, has film news and reviews. Browse reviews for current films, or search the archive for a specific film. has signed film reviews for current theater and DVD releases, plus columns of commentary.

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