Film: Find Films with Social Issues

How to choose films by theme/subject, find movie reviews, and explore film criticism by director, film, genre, and more.

Selected Books about Films Dealing with Social Issues

Here is a sampling of Columbus State library books about specific social issues. Please see a librarian for additional titles.

Search Tip for Finding Films with Social Issues

poster for 1929 film Frau-im-mond, directed by Fritz Lang 

Source: Wikimedia Commons [Poster for Fritz Lang's film Frau im Mond (Woman in the Moon)]

Need to find a movie to write about for an assignment? You are at the right place! The Columbus State library has great films that deal with a variety of themes. Finding movies that deal with a specific subject can be tricky. A good approach is to search the library catalog for books, and databases for articles, that discuss movies - lots of film critics talk about the ways a certain movie, director, or body of films deal with a given theme or social problem.

Columbus State Library Catalog Search Box

To find movies about a social issue, or books discussing those films, try entering a keyword search in our library catalog for "[issue] and film" or "[issue] and movie" (without quotation marks or brackets). For example, searching race and film shows that the library owns Skin, a film about racism in South Africa, as well as books like High contrast: Race and Gender in Contemporary Hollywood Film.


OhioLINK Catalog Search Box

To locate books at OhioLINK Libraries throughout Ohio, and to request their delivery to the Columbus State Community College library, search the OhioLINK Catalog.

For suggestions on how to find movies about social issues, or books that discuss those movies, please see the Library Catalog search box above.


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