The search for credible information resources can be overwhelming. The Columbus State Library provides books, databases, and online tools, which are fully reviewed and established as trustworthy and scholarly, for use by students and faculty. Resources on this page are part of the library's extensive physical and digital collection.
Media bias refers to prejudice in journalists and news outlets about how news stories are selected and presented in the mass media. While "fake news" generally refers to wholly fabricated stories, media bias can cause the reporting of true news stories to be slanted in such a way as to encourage misinterpretation and false conclusions. When researching, it's a good idea to have an understanding of how to recognize and interpret media bias in order to make sure you consider all sides of an issue.
To learn more about media bias, check out CSCC Library's Bias in the Media Research Guide.
Search these databases to find scholarly articles that are peer reviewed by experts.
Index, abstracts, and full text articles for many scholarly publications covering all academic areas of study.
Using the New Academic Search Complete (YouTube)
Explores in depth a single "hot" topic in the news each week, ranging from teen issues, to the environment, to health and education, to science and technology.
How to Use Issues & Controversies (YouTube)
Provides news, cases, law reviews, company profiles, and other full-text articles. Also includes the LexisNexis Company Dossier module.