Digital Photography: Photography Tools

This guide provides information and resources for those planning a career in digital photography.

This page contains lists of tools and resources which may be useful for photographers at all levels. 

Mobile Apps to Try

Multimedia Support Center


The Multimedia Support Center is an on-campus resource for CSCC students and staff. The MSC features a large studio space which is great for video shoots, photography sessions, audio recordings, or special events. The MSC also houses the Multimedia Support Lab, which features 18 workstations loaded with multimedia software for all types of media projects. The software includes Adobe Creative Cloud, Maya, Mudbox, Anaconda, ToonBoom, Unity, Wings 3D, and others. Headphones, Wacom tablets and film and image scanners are available for use within the lab. The lab also contains an audio recording booth for those interested in recording production. Multimedia Support also offers lending of multimedia equipment including camcorders, audio equipment, and lighting kits. 

Tips for Beginner Photographers

Online Tools

Links to Images You Can Use

Other Tools

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