Composition Reading Bank: Table of Contents

An Open Educational Resource for Composition Courses

The texts in the Composition Reading Bank are organized thematically, and each link after the text will take you to the tab in which that text is located. The texts marked with a red asterisk (*) are from websites that implement monthly article viewing limits. More information about finding alternative, reliable locations for these texts can be found by clicking/tapping on the “Limited Access” tab.

A - C    D - F    G - I    J - L    M - O    P - R    S - U   V - Z

Abdurraqib, Hanif. "The Vanishing Monuments of Columbus, Ohio" (Society & Culture)

Ajayi, Luvvie. "Get Comfortable with Being Uncomfortable" [TED Talk]  (Politics)

* Alfasi, Kawther. "The Loneliness of Early Parenthood"  (Limited Access)

Allen, Amaya. "50 Shades of Black: My Experience with Colorism" [TED Talk]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Antiracist Pedagogy Research Guide (Other Collections)

Ashford, Alex. "'Da Souf Got Sum To Say': On The Willful Mistranslation Of Andre 3000’s Famous Line" (Language)

Baron, Dennis. "Facebook Multiplies Genders but Offers Users the Same Three Tired Pronouns" (Identity)

Barry, Lynda. "The Sanctuary of School" (Education)

Barta, Kellam. "No Such Thing as Correct English" [YouTube Video] (Language)

Bauer-Wolf, Jeremy. "Overconfident Students, Dubious Employers" (Education)

"Be a Lady They Said" [Vimeo Video]  (Identity)

Beato, Greg. "Internet Addiction" (Media & Technology)

* Beck, Julie. "Facebook: Where Friendships Go to Never Quite Die" (Limited Access)

* Beck, Julie. "How Friendships Change in Adulthood" (Limited Access)

* Beck, Julie. "It's 10 p.m. Do You Know Where Your Friends Are?"  (Limited Access)

Beech, Peter. "What is Environmental Racism?" [YouTube Video]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Bennett, Geoffrey. "Hip-Hop: A Roadblock or Pathway to Black Empowerment?" (Race & Ethnicity)

Bickerstaff, Allison. "Easy as ABC?" (Education)

Birbiglia, Mike. "Stranger in the Night" [Podcast] (Society & Culture)

Biss, Eula. "Relations" (Identity)

Biss, Eula. "Time and Distance Overcome" (Society & Culture)

Bleyaert, Aaron. "How to Lose Weight in 4 Easy Steps" (Food & Health)

* Bogost, Ian "Facebook's Dystopian Definition of 'Fake'" (Limited Access)

* Bogost, Ian "Stop Trusting Viral Videos" (Limited Access)

Bolina, Jaswinder. "Writing Like a White Guy: On Language, Race, and Poetry" (Language)

* Bowden, Mark "Dumb Kids’ Class" (Limited Access)

* Bowden, Mark. "'Idiot,' 'Yahoo,' 'Original Gorilla': How Lincoln Was Dissed in His Day" (Limited Access)

Boyd, Sophia Alvarez. "Media Literacy: Five Ways Teachers Are Fighting Fake News" (Media & Technology)

Briceno, Eduardo. "The Power of Belief: Mindset and Success" [YouTube Video] (Education)

* Brooks, David. "People Like Us"  (Limited Access)

Brus, Michael. "Self-Loathing Wins Championships" (Society & Culture)

Bunn, Mike. "How to Read Like a Writer" (Education)

Burgess, Anthony. "Is America Falling Apart?" (Society & Culture)

* Burton, Krista. "Lesbians Invented Hipsters"  (Limited Access)

The Carlisle Indian School Digital Resource Center (Other Collections)

Carmichael, Rodney. "The Prophetic Struggle of Kendrick Lamar’s ‘DAMN.’" (Society & Culture)

* Carr, Nicholas. "Is Google Making Us Stupid?" (Limited Access)

Carroll, Lauren. "Congress let Internet Providers 'Spy On' Your Underwear Purchases, Advocacy Group Says" (Media & Technology)

* Coates, Ta-Nehisi. "The Paranoid Style of American Policing"  (Limited Access)

Code Switch: Race and Identity, Remixed (Other Collections)

Colin, Chris. "Drawing a Line in the Sand Over River Rights" (Science)

"College, Inc" [Video] (Education)

Comey, James. "Hard Truths: Law Enforcement and Race" [FBI Speech] (Society & Culture)

Cooper, Christian H. "Why Poverty Is Like a Disease" (Society & Culture)

Crenshaw, Kimberle. "Race, Gender, Inequality and Intersectionality" [YouTube Video]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Crenshaw, Kimberle. "The Urgency of Intersectionality" [TED Talk]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Crosley-Corcoran, Gina. "Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person" (Race & Ethnicity)

Cunningham, Amy. "Why Women Smile" (Identity)

Daly, Christopher B. "How the Lawyers Stole Winter" (Society & Culture)

Davis, J. Francis. "Power of Images: Creating the Myths of Our Time" (Media & Technology)

 "The Declaration of Independence" (Politics)

Deepak, Sharanya. "The Ghost Crop of Goa" (Food & Health)

Dickerson, Debra. "Who Shot Johnny?" (Society & Culture)

* Douthat, Ross. "Islam in Two Americas"  (Limited Access)

Doyle, Brian. "Joyas Voladoras" [Text + Audio] (Science)

Dua, Tanya. "Trans and Non-binary Representation is Going Mainstream in Advertising, with Brands Like e.l.f. Beauty, Mastercard, and Starbucks On Board" (Identity)

Dubick, James, Brandon Matthews, and Clare Cady. "Hunger on Campus: The Challenge of Food Insecurity for College Students" (Education)

Duckworth, Angela Lee. "Grit: The Power of Perseverance" [TED Talk] (Education)

Dweck, Carol. "The Perils and Promises of Praise" (Education)

Eagleman, David. "The Brain on Trial" (Science)

Eastman, Crystal. "Now We Can Begin" (Society & Culture)

The Electric Typewriter (Other Collections)

Encinas, Jorge. "How Latino Players Are Helping Major League Baseball Learn Spanish" (Language)

Essay Daily (Other Collections)

Fagone, Jason. "What Bullets Do To Bodies" (Society & Culture)

Fallon, Kevin. "Why We Binge-Watch Television" (Media & Technology)

* Fattal, Isabel.  "Why do Cartoon Villains Speak in Foreign Accents?"  (Limited Access)

Fenton, William. "Tackling Slavery in the Classroom With a Graphic Novel and an App" (Education)

Fisher, Helen E. "The Biology of Attraction" (Science)

Fombo, Mena. "No, You Can’t Touch My Hair" [TED Talk]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Franklin, Benjamin. "Learning to Write" (Education)

Franklin, Joey. "The Stigma of Fast Food Work (Working at Wendy's)" (Identity)

Freedman, David H. "Lies, Damned Lies, and Medical Science" (Science)

* Friedersdorf, Conor. "Social-Media Outrage Is Collapsing Our Worlds"  (Limited Access)

* Fuerst, Saskia. "The Sexy Aging Black Woman in US Advertisements: From Aunt Jemima to the Pro-Age Campaigns" (Limited Access)

Gaiman, Neil. "Why Our Future Depends on Libraries, Reading and Daydreaming" (Education)

Gay, Roxane. "The Careless Language of Sexual Violence" (Language)

Gay, Roxane. "A Tale of Three Coming Out Stories" (Identity)

Giamatti, A. Bartlett. "The Green Fields of the Mind" (Society & Culture)

Gleick, James. "What Defines a Meme?" (Media & Technology)

Glaude Jr., Eddie S. "George Floyd's Murder Shows Once More We Cannot Wait for White America to End Racism"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von. "Aphorisms on Nature" (Language)

Goetz, Thomas. "Harnessing the Power of Feedback Loops" (Language)

Goldfarb, Ben. "The Endling: Watching a Species Vanish in Real Time" (Science)

Goodall, Jane, and Krista Trippett. "The Shadow of Humanity and the Spirit of Animals" (Society & Culture)

Goode, J.J. "Single-Handed Cooking" (Food & Health)

* Gopnik, Adam. "The Information (How the Internet Gets Inside Us)"  (Limited Access)

Graff, Gerald. "Hidden Intellectualism" (Education)

Gray, Briahna Joy. "The Question of Cultural Appropriation" (Race & Ethnicity)

Greene II, Robert. "We Are Living in a Red Spring"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Greenfield, Rob. "My Thoughts on Veganism…and Why I’m Not Vegan" (Food & Health)

Gross, Kalie Nicole. "By Remembering Our Sisters, We Challenge Violence Against Women and Legacies that Eclipse These Injustices"  (Race & Ethnicity)

A Group of Clergymen. "Letter to Martin Luther King" (Politics)

"Growing Your Mind" [YouTube Video] (Education)

Hannah-Jones, Nikole. "The Idea of America"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Hardin, Garrett. "Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor"  (Society & Culture)

Harris, Tristan. "How Technology Hijacks People’s Minds — From a Magician and Google’s Design Ethicist"  (Media & Technology)

Harrison, Chelsea. "College Students & Social Media" (Media & Technology)

Hartley, Deanna. "Creative Ways to Get Noticed by Employers on Social Media" (Education)

Hawking, Stephen, and Leonard Mlodinow. "The (Elusive) Theory of Everything" (Science)

* Hess, Amanda. "How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful"  (Limited Access)

Hinton, Elizabeth. "The Minneapolis Uprising in Context"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Hitt, Matthew P. "When Newspapers Close, Voters Become More Partisan" (Politics)

"How Bad Are the Public Schools? Is There a Crisis?" (Education)

"How Microaggressions Are Like Mosquito Bites" [YouTube Video] (Language)

Hughes, Hailey. "Against Inspiration" (Identity)

Hughes, Langston. "Salvation" (Identity)

Hunt, Elle. "Faking It: How Selfie Dysmorphia is Driving People to Seek Surgery" (Identity)

Ifould, Rosie. "'Would You Be Willing?': Words to Turn a Conversation Around (and Those to Avoid)" (Language)

* Ivins, Molly. "Stop This Carnage; Let's Just Ban Guns" (Limited Access)

* Jabr, Ferris. "Can You Really Be Addicted to Video Games?" (Limited Access)

Jackson, Gita. "The ‘AT&T Girl’ Knows You’re Obsessed With Her" (Media & Technology)

Jensen, Derrick. "World Gone Mad" (Science)

Jones, Jeffrey Owen. "The Man Who Wrote the Pledge of Allegiance" (Society & Culture)

Jones, Van. "The Economic Injustice of Plastic" [TED Talk]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Joseph, Alli. "With Disney’s 'Moana,' Hollywood Almost Gets It Right: Indigenous People Weigh In" (Race & Ethnicity)

Kapadia, Jess. "I Still Don’t Understand the Cultural Appropriation of Food" (Food & Health)

Kaufman, Scott. "When Whites Riot Over Pumpkins in NH and Twitter Turns it Into Epic Lesson About Ferguson"  (Race & Ethnicity)

* Keller, Jared. "What Makes Americans So Optimistic?" (Limited Access)

Kennedy, John F. "Address to the Greater Houston Ministerial Association" [Video and Transcript] (Politics)

Kennedy, John F. . "Inaugural Address" (Politics)

Kilbourne, Jean. "Jesus is a Brand of Jeans" (Society & Culture)

* King, Martin Luther, Jr. "Letter from Birmingham Jail" (Limited Access)

King, Martin Luther, Jr. "The Quest for Peace and Justice" (Race & Ethnicity)

King, Sharese and Katherine D. Kinzler. "Op-Ed: Bias Against African American English Speakers is a Pillar of Systemic Racism" (Race & Ethnicity)

Kinzler, Katherine. "Why Some Americans Seem More 'American' Than Others" (Race & Ethnicity)

Kleeman, Sophie. "The Profiles You'll Never Read in a Magazine Are Happening on Instagram" (Media & Technology)

Koch, Katie. "Mentoring Troubled Teens" (Society & Culture)

* Kristof, Nicholas D. "Saudis in Bikinis" (Limited Access)

Laitner, Bill. "Heart and Sole: Detroiter Walks 21 Miles in Work Commute" (Society & Culture)

Lemaster, Austin. "Throw the Notebook at the Wall: What Writing Can Do to the Average Student" (Education)

Lenz, Lyz. "The Mystery of Tucker Carlson" (Media & Technology)

Leonard, Annie. "The Story of Bottled Water" [Video & Transcript]  (Society & Culture)

Lever, Katie. "I Would Not Have as Many Opportunities’: How NIL is Helping Women College Athletes Bypass Barriers" (Society & Culture)

* Lileks, James. "Foodie Feud" (Limited Access)

Lilienfeld, Scott O. "Why a Moratorium on Microaggressions Policies is Needed" (Language)

Lincoln, Abraham. "Second Inaugural Address" (Politics)

The Literary Hub (Other Collections)

Louie, Sam. "‘I Don't See Color.’ Then You Don't See Me"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Ludden, Jennifer. "Kids' Solo Playtime Unleashes 'Free-Range' Parenting Debate" (Society & Culture)

Lyssy, Nikki and Jill Talbot. "On Blindness and the Teaching of Form in Essays" (Education)

MacGregor, Jeff. "The Lionfish Have Invaded, But a Ragtag Army of Divers and Chefs Are Fighting Back" (Food & Health)

Machiavelli, Niccolo. "The Morals of the Prince" (Politics)

 "The Man in the Red Bandana" [Vimeo Video] (Society & Culture)

* Marche, Stephen. "Is Facebook Making Us Lonely?" (Limited Access)

Marchiafava, Jeff. "The Sinking City: Macabre Tales and Mediocre Gameplay" (Media & Technology)

McClune, Jennifer. "Hip-Hop’s Betrayal of Black Women" (Race & Ethnicity)

McCoy, Austin C.. "When Whites Riot, Humanity is a Given"  (Race & Ethnicity)

McGonigal, Jane. "Be a Gamer, Save the World" (Media & Technology)

McKibben, Bill. "The Case for Single-child Families" (Society & Culture)

McRaney, David. "The Backfire Effect" (Language)

McWhorter, John. "Thick of Tongue" (Language)

McWhorter, John. "Txtng is Killing Language. JK!!!" [TED Talk] (Language)

* Miller, Shauna. "The Radical Queerness of Kate McKinnon's Justin Bieber" (Limited Access)

Mitchell, Koritha. "How Reading Queer Authors Improved My Relationships" (Identity)

Molanphy, Chris. "How ‘Old Town Road’ Became the Longest Running No. 1 in Hot 100 History" (Media & Technology)

Montgomery, Sidra. "The Emotion Work of 'Thank You For Your Service'" (Identity)

Morris, Monique. "Why Black Girls are Targeted for Punishment at School – and How to Change That" [TED Talk]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Morrison, Sara. "Covering the Transgender Community: How Newsrooms are Moving Beyond the 'Coming Out' Story to Report Crucial Transgender issues" (Identity)

The Moth  (Other Collections)

Moyer, Melinda Wenner. "More Guns Do Not Stop More Crimes, Evidence Shows" (Society & Culture)

Muir, John. "A Wind-Storm in the Forests" (Society & Culture)

Nestle, Marion. "Utopian Dream: A New Farm Bill" (Food & Health)

"Neuroplasticity" [YouTube Video] (Education)

Nijhuis, Michelle. "Which Species Will Live?" (Science)

Nolan-Ferrell, Catherine. "Balancing Classroom Civility and Free Speech" (Education)

Oates, Joyce Carol. "Rape and the Boxing Ring" (Society & Culture)

Obama, Barack. "Eulogy for Clementa Pinckney" (Society & Culture)

Obama, Michelle. "Note to Self" (Identity)

Okoro, Chika. "Confessions of a D Girl: Colorism and Global Standards of Beauty" [TED Talk]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Olejnik, Izabella. "From a Diary to an iPhone: The Extension of Journaling to Digital Forms" (Media & Technology)

Olenick, Maria, Monica Flowers, and Valerie J. Diaz. "US Veterans and Their Unique Issues: Enhancing Health Care Professional Awareness" (Food & Health)

"The Opioid Diaries" (Society & Culture)

Orwell, George. "Shooting an Elephant" (Society & Culture)

Pandya, Sameer. "The Picture for Men: Superhero or Slacker" (Identity)

Pargman, David. "End the Charade: Let Athletes Major in Sports" (Limited Access)

* Partanen, Anu. "What Americans Keep Ignoring About Finland's School Success" (Limited Access)

Pasulka, Nicole. "How a Bible-Belt Evangelical Church Embraced Gay Rights" (Identity)

Percy, Jennifer. "The Priest of Abu Ghraib" (Identity)

Pilardi, Jo-Ann. "Immigration Problem is About Us, Not Them" (Politics)

* Planos, Josh. "The Dutch Village Where Everyone Has Dementia" (Limited Access)

Plato. "The Allegory of the Cave" (Society & Culture)

Posnanski, Joe. "Mariano Rivera's a True Yankee, Almost Mythical in His Dominance" (Identity)

Powers, Kirsten. "Americans are Depressed and Suicidal because Something is Wrong with our Culture" (Food & Health)

Pratt, Kira Marie. "Why We Need to Get in 'Formation': The Rhetoric of Beyoncé" (Language)

Pro Infirmis. "Because Who is Perfect?" [YouTube Video] (Identity)

ProPublica (Other Collections)

Quindlen, Anna. "Stuff is Not Salvation" (Society & Culture)

"Race Becomes More Central to TV Advertising" (Media & Technology)

Raja, Tasneem. "Is Coding the New Literacy?" (Education)

Ramachandran, Vignesh.  "'Words Matter' As Asian American Leaders Urge Action Against Hate Crimes" (Race & Ethnicity)

"Random House Copy Chief: Stand Tall, Wordsmiths! (But Choose Your Battles)" [Text + Audio] (Language)

Rauch, Jonathan. "Be Not Afraid" (Society & Culture)

Rauch, Jonathan. "In Defense of Prejudice" (Language)

Reed, Justin Phillip. "Killing Like They Do in the Movies"  (Race & Ethnicity)

* Reich, Robert. "Don't Blame Wal-Mart"  (Limited Access)

Reid, Lauren. "Why Race Matters When We Talk About the Environment: An Interview with Dr. Robert Bullard"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Reinstein, Mara. "I Got Death Threats For Writing A Bad Review Of ‘Aquaman’" (Identity)

Rice, Patricia. "Linguistic Profiling: The Sound of Your Voice May Determine Whether You Get That Apartment or Not" (Language)

* Rich, Sarah. "Today’s Masculinity is Stifling" (Limited Access)

Richardson, Allissa V. "Why Cellphone Videos of Black People's Deaths Should Be Considered Sacred, Like Lynching Photographs"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Ripley, Amanda. "Complicating the Narratives: What if Journalists Covered Controversial Issues Differently-Based on How Humans Actually Behave When They are Polarized and Suspicious?" (Media & Technology)

Robbins, John. "The Transfer Portal and NIL Deals: Are They Ruining College Sports?" (Society & Culture)

 "Robert Bullard: How Environmental Racism Shapes the U.S." [Interview Video and Transcript]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Rogers, Melvin. "We Should Be Afraid, but Not of Protesters"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Rose, Mike. "Blue-Collar Brilliance" (Society & Culture)

Rosen, Christine. "Our Cell Phones, Ourselves" (Media & Technology)

* Ross, Theodore. "Cracking the Cartel: Don’t Pay NCAA Football and Basketball Players"" (Limited Access)

The Rumpus  (Other Collections)

Salm, Lauren. "70% of Employers Are Snooping Candidates’ Social Media Profiles" (Media & Technology)

Sanders, Scott Russell. "Looking at Women" (Identity)

Sanders, Scott Russell. "Under the Influence" (Society & Culture)

Saujani, Reshma. "Teach Girls Bravery, Not Perfection" [TED Talk] (Education)

Schrader, Stuart. "An Empire of Patrolmen"  (Society & Culture)

* Schulz, Katheryn. "Fantastic Beasts and How to Rank Them" (Limited Access)

Scudder, Samuel. "Take This Fish and Look at It" (Education)

Sherry, Mary. "In Praise of the F Word" (Limited Access)

* Singer, Peter. "What Should a Billionaire Give—and What Should You?"  (Limited Access)

Singer, Peter. "The Why and How of Effective Altruism" [TED Talk] (Society & Culture)

Sipin, Melissa R. "‘Filipineza’ Doesn’t Mean ‘Servant’: Notes of Witness from an Immigrant Daughter"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Skenazy, Lenore. "My Free-Range Parenting Manifesto" (Society & Culture)

Skloot, Rebecca. "The Woman in the Photograph" (Science)

Smith, Danez. "Dinosaurs in the Hood" [Poem]  (Race & Ethnicity)

Smith, Ernie. "They Should Stop: In Defense of the Singular They" (Language)

Smith, Gwendolyn Ann. "We're All Someone's Freak" (Identity)

Snap Judgment (Other Collections)

Snyder, Timothy. "It Can Happen Here" (Politics)

Sontag, Susan. "A Century of Cinema" (Media & Technology)

Stanek, Becca. "I Took Multivitamins Every Day for a Decade. Then I Found Out They're Useless" (Food & Health)

Stanton, Elizabeth Cady. "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions" from 1848 Woman's Rights Convention (Politics)

* Staples, Brent. "How Italians Became ‘White’" (Limited Access)

Stirone, Shannon. "Welcome to the Center of the Universe" (Science)

Stokes, Colin. "How Movies Teach Manhood" [TED Talk] (Identity)

StoryCorps (Other Collections)

Swift, Jonathan. "A Modest Proposal" (Politics)

Talks to Help You Understand Racism in America (Other Collections)

* Theroux, Paul. "The Male Myth"  (Limited Access)

Tisdale, Sallie. "We Do Abortions Here: A Nurse's Story" (Science)

This American Life (Other Collections)

Thomas, Terrance. "A Letter To My Younger Self" (Identity)

* Thompson, Derek. "The Deeper Scandal of That Brutal United Video" (Limited Access)

* Thompson, Derek. "What in the World Is Causing the Retail Meltdown of 2017?" (Limited Access)

* Thompson, Derek. "Your Brain on Poverty: Why Poor People Seem to Make Bad Decisions" (Limited Access)

Thoreau, Henry David. "The Battle of the Ants" (Politics)

Thoreau, Henry David. "Where I Lived, and What I Lived For" (Society & Culture)

* Tierce, Merritt. "The Abortion I Didn’t Have" (Limited Access)

Toastmasters International. "Five Tips for Public Speaking" [YouTube Video] (Education)

Tobin, Lad. "Here Everything is Possible" (Food & Health)

* Treuer, David. "An Indian Protest for Everyone"  (Limited Access)

Truth, Sojourner. "Ain't I a Woman?" (Identity)

Tseng, Amelia. "‘You Are What You Speak’… or Are You?" (Language)

Twain, Mark. "Advice to Youth" (Society and Culture)

The Union of Concerned Scientists. "Coal and Air Pollution" (Science)

Urban, Tim. "Inside the Mind of a Master Procrastinator" [TED Talk] (Education)

Wallace, David Foster. "Consider the Lobster" (Food & Health)

Wallace, Trey. "The NIL World in College Football is Only Going to Get Crazier, So Stop with the Fake Outrage" (Society & Culture)

* Wieseltier, Leon. "Ring the Bells" (Limited Access)

Wilhelm, Jeffrey D., and Michael W. Smith. "The Power of Pleasure Reading: What We Can Learn from the Secret Reading Lives of Teens" (Education)

Williams, Kidada E. "For Black Americans, Charleston is the Latest Example of a Hatred As Old As America Itself"  (Race & Ethnicity)

Winfrey, Oprah. "Acceptance Speech for the The Cecil B. de Mille Award at the 2018 Golden Globes" [YouTube Video] (Society & Culture)

Wizendburg, Stephen. "In the Facebook Era, Students Tell You Everything" (Media & Technology)

Wood, Sarah. "Recent Graduates Lack Soft Skills, New Study Reports" (Education)

Wyman, Nicholas. "Hiring Is On The Rise, But Are College Grads Prepared For The World Of Work?" (Education)

Yglesias, Matthew. "The End of Policing Left Me Convinced We Still Need Policing" (Society & Culture)

* Yong, Ed. "The Next Plague Is Coming. Is America Ready?" (Limited Access)

Zaru, Deena. "7 Hip Hop Artists Making America 'Woke' Again" (Race & Ethnicity)

Zhang, Michael. "6 Photographers Asked to Shoot Portraits of 1 Man…With a Twist" [Video] (Identity)

* Zhuo, Julie. "Where Anonymity Breeds Contempt"  (Limited Access)


Except where otherwise indicated, the Composition Reading Bank by Rachel Brooks-Pannell, Shawn Casey, Rebecca Fleming, and Nick Lakostik at Columbus State Community College is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license does not extend to the contents of external web pages.


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