Bluebird Conservation Project: Get Involved!

Use this guide to learn about the ongoing bluebird nestbox project at Columbus State's Delaware campus.

Get Involved in the Project!

Project organizers Gwynne Dilbeck and Ryan Homsher are looking for student volunteers who have a passion for nature and are looking to learn more about native species conservation! As a volunteer, you could be responsible for checking nest boxes for adult mating pairs, nests, eggs, and newly hatched young. You will also record your data and findings for the project. 

No experience is necessary to volunteer for this project! To learn more about monitoring nest boxes, please read the Code of Conduct page on the NestWatch site. This page gives an overview of the rules for careful nest box monitoring and data collection. After you have reviewed the rules, tips, and tricks, you may take the quiz at the bottom of the page to become certified!

Contact Us!

If participating in the Bluebird Conservation Project sounds like something you would be interested in, or you simply want to learn more, contact Gwynne Dilbeck or Ryan Homsher. Their information can be found on the Contact Information page. 

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