3D Printing Resources: Education

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3D Printing and Education

“I think 3D printing is a great tool to ease the fear of failure. A student can design a prototype and see how it works and, if it fails, they can modify their design and print another one. Even engineers at the professional level have to deal with failure and adjustment. Also, if we can get them comfortable with 3D printers now, if that’s just the nature of their experience growing up, then they will expect to use it later in life and be comfortable with it.” ~ Markus Hartnett (4th/5th grade teacher, Glenview, IL)

"3D printers are revolutionising manufacturing and it is vital that we start teaching the theory and practice in our schools. Teaching schools will be able to develop and spread effective methods to do this. Combined with our introduction of a computer science curriculum and teacher training, this will help our schools give pupils valuable skills." ~ Michael Gove (U.K. Education Secretary)


3D printed ear
3D printed piece for space
3D printer
3D printed math object
3D printed molecule or chemical compound

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