Multi-Skilled Health: Massage Therapy

For a more extensive collection of resources, check out the Massage Therapy Research Guide. 

eBooks from the Library and Online

eBooks from the Massage Therapy Foundation

The Massage Therapy Foundation is a nonprofit founded by the American Massage Therapy Association in 1990. It exists to advance the science and art of massage therapy, to promote the development of knowledge, scientific advancements, and community services in the massage therapy field, and to secure and provide funding for research, education, and charitable community outreach initiatives (source). 

On its website, the Massage Therapy Foundation provides access to free eBooks about the study and practice of massage therapy. These titles include 5 Myths and Truths About Massage Therapy, The Case for Pain Reliefand Working With Physicians. 

See the full list of available ebooks here.

Books in the Library

Journals and Magazines

Massage - covers art & science of massage, bodywork & related healing arts. Includes interviews w/ profession's leaders, technique articles, feature stories on massage/bodywork, profiles of innovative therapists, business articles & news on trends & developments.

Massage & Bodywork - contains articles of interest concerning massage, bodywork, somatic and esthetic therapy.

Massage Therapy Subject Headings

Search the CSCC library catalog for additional books. Do a keyword search in the catalog to get a basic introduction on a topic or try subject headings to find precise on-target information. Here are some subject headings to explore:    massage therapy      massage

Professional Organizations

Associated Bodywork and Massage Professionals (ABMP) - offers insurance coverage along with free CE hours, dozens of member discounts, a free business website, Massage & Bodywork magazine, dedicated legislative advocacy, and more (source). 

American Massage Therapy Organization (AMTA) - the largest nonprofit, professional association serving massage therapists, massage students and massage schools (source).

National Certification Board for Theraputic Massage and Bodywork (NCBTMB) - the certifying body for massage therapists in the United States. 

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