Multimedia Support Center: Home

Multimedia Support Center

Multimedia Lab

Multimedia Lab in CO 109

The Multimedia Support Center Lab features 18 high-end computers equipped with the latest multimedia software including Adobe Creative Cloud, Maya, Mudbox, Anaconda, ToonBoom, Unity, and Wings 3D.

The space also houses multiple scanners, Korg Synth Keyboards, and access to Wacom tablets and headphones. Staff are on hand to help with questions and to provide advice and technical support.

Here are tips on using some of the technology in the lab.

Multimedia Studio

The Multimedia Support Center is a great space for video shoots, audio recordings, or special events.

The space is available for student, faculty, and staff use.

Recording Booth

Recording Booth

The recording booth is designed for all audio recording or production needs and is available for student and staff use. The room is equipped with a Macbook Air, Rodecaster, microphones, and MIDI keyboard for audio recording. Fits up to 2 people.

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