Mathematics: Getting Started

This guide presents information resources for pre-algebra, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus courses at Columbus State Community College.

What's in This Guide

This guide was developed to help you find library resources and websites in the field of Mathematics, including Developmental Math.

Please select a category below to focus your search.

Print Books | Ebooks Online Resources | Additional Help

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Math Course Reserves

View the full list of math course reserves.

These textbooks are available for 2 hours per check-out at the Circulation Desk in Columbus and/or the Learning Center at the Delaware campus.

Note: Reserves are not guaranteed for every class or every semester.

Columbus State Mathematics Department Resources

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The Columbus State Mathematics department website is a great resource for many questions and concerns you might have as a student. Among the useful information there:

  • A description of the MyMathlab software commonly used in Columbus State Mathematics classes
  • A comprehensive tutoring page that explains the many options available to Columbus State Math students, including peer tutoring, regional learning center hours and locations, and help via Blackboard
  • Information about how to use a graphing calculator a variety of web resources covering multiple topics
  • Brief versions of the syllabi for all the Mathematics courses at Columbus State (semester courses are listed below the old quarter courses)

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